Tankfarm releases mobile app for Android devices
Tankfarm released the Tankfarm mobile app for all Android operating systems. The app was previously made available on all Apple and iOS devices.
The app communicates with a wireless monitor Tankfarm places on all tanks to help customers know how much propane they have in their tanks, how much they’re using and when they’re using it.
“We are thrilled to announce that the Tankfarm mobile app is now available to all our users, whether they use an iOS or Android device,” says Andrew Heaney, Tankfarm co-founder and CEO. “Ninety percent of Tankfarm customers find us on a mobile device, and of those devices roughly half run on Android. This additional capability is a big step forward in making the Tankfarm experience available to everyone.”
Tankfarm invests in software and tank monitors aimed to make deliveries more efficient and profitable for propane marketers, as well as more convenient for consumers. The company also aims to improve the propane industry’s approach to technology to meet the expectations of propane consumers, it says.
“This development is an important step forward in our effort to develop a proprietary ecosystem of software and sensors that will offer the best consumer experience in the propane industry,” Heaney says. “We can’t wait to show the world what we’re building for our users next.”
Tankfarm builds software and applications that connect propane customers with propane marketers. The software is free to use, and the company has partnered with top propane marketers in 30 states and from more than 200 locations.
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