Contact Us

LP Gas magazine is a publication of North Coast Media, LLC.

North Coast MediaNorth Coast Media
1360 E. 9th St.
10th Floor
Cleveland, OH 44114

Phone: 216-706-3700  |  Fax: 216-706-3710

Kevin Stoltman, President & CEO

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Advertising Sales

To place an ad or obtain a media kit, contact:

Brian Kanaba, Publisher
Phone: 216-706-3745  |  Fax: 216-706-3711

Kelli Velasquez, Account Executive
Phone: 216-706-3767  |  Fax: 253-484-3080

Subscriber Services

For questions about your subscription.

Antoinette Sanchez-Perkins, Senior Audience Development Manager
Phone: 216-706-3750  |  Fax: 702-586-2790

Editorial Staff

To submit news or a story idea.

Brian Richesson, Editor in Chief
Phone:  216-706-3748  |  Fax: 216-706-3711

Chris Markham, Managing Editor
Phone:  216-363-7920  |  Fax: 216-706-3711

Sydney Fischer, Digital Media Specialist
Phone:  216-675-6002  |  Fax: 216-706-3711

E-Newsletter Customer Service

Have questions about our e-newsletters?
Phone: 847-513-6030

Submit Company News

We accept press releases for consideration at any time. Please send text and images digitally via e-mail. Following are some guidelines:

  • Include text in the body of an e-mail or as an attached Word document.
  • Submit JPG images that are at least 1,200 pixels on longest side.
  • Send to
  • Please do not e-mail PDFs or video files.
  • Please do not send materials via mail, including hard-copy text, photos, CDs, product literature, etc.