Software designed to better manage fleets

March 11, 2011 By    

Iowa Mold Tooling Co. Inc. helps fleet managers maximize equipment profitability with its enhanced ValuePlus Fleet Management software (VPFM). VPFM gives fleet managers the tools they need to analyze and improve the operating costs of their vehicles over time. VPFM is a GPS-enabled, web-based application, which increases the software’s functionality and eliminates the need for manual data entry. Fleet managers can use ValuePlus Fleet Management to ensure that their service trucks are operating at top efficiency because VPFM captures the important cost and utilization data that customers need to reduce operating expenses, maximize vehicle and equipment component utilization, and develop efficient replacement cycles. The software supplies users with truck utilization reports, which include such statistics as how many hours the components are operating; the truck’s mileage; and how many hours the truck is on the road and using the PTO. These reports also include a breakdown of planned versus actual miles and hours. Customers also receive notices of preventive maintenance schedules based on usage and can compare their trucks’ performance to that of similar vehicles worldwide. VPFM also has the capability to help dispatchers quickly decide which truck to send when a service call comes in. The GPS feature also allows the dispatcher to call up each truck’s performance data and location on the spur of the moment.

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