Anova UTM available from Bergquist

June 2, 2021 By    

The Anova Universal Tank Monitor (Anova UTM) is available for purchase at Bergquist, with financing options available to customers. The Anova UTM is roughly the size of an iPhone (4.72-in. x 3.15-in. x 1.97-in.). Two inputs support sensors for tank level, pressure, meters and more. The ability to monitor more than one tank and multiple cellular networks allows broad accessibility to users, while a magnetic mount and clip-in Rochester remote-ready cables provide easy installation, says Bergquist. Data sampling and configurable alarms are released from the monitor on a 30-minute basis. Additionally, a 15-year battery life and all-weather construction helps ensure the monitor endures time and seasonal elements. Bergquist provides technical support and training for customers to help optimize use of the monitor.

Photo courtesy of Anova _ Anova UTM

Photo courtesy of Anova


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