Bismar Inc.
Bismar will display its direct vent propane or natural gas wall heater furnace at the NPGA Southeastern Convention & International Propane Expo. The heater has a built-in thermostat and provides clean gas energy for homes, cottages, offices or garages. The heater features the following:
- Warm, adjustable heat – Keep living or work spaces heated with a direct-vent wall heater with room thermostat that lets you monitor your heat dispersion.
- Stylish and clean energy – With a sleek fireplace design, our direct-vent gas heater produces safe, clean energy that’s economical and aesthetically pleasing.
- Quick and easy installation – Connect our propane wall heater direct vent to a gas fitter, and it will heat your living space effectively with low maintenance required.
- Quality – Heavy-duty grill made with die-cast aluminum and glass ceramic window for more safety. Product is certified for use in the United States and Canada.
Phone: 450-641-3048
Fax: 450-641-7026
Booth #439