Clean Cities coalitions to join propane autogas rally in Atlanta

March 11, 2012 By    

The Southeast Propane Autogas Development Program (SPADP) will join the Propane Clean Air Rally and Autogas Parade to kick off the industry’s centennial celebration on Saturday, April 14, in Atlanta. Centennial organizers say the partnership with program administrator Virginia Clean Cities will bolster resources, contacts and impact for the industry.

“SPADP is a groundbreaking alternative fuel project supported by funding from the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act under the U.S. Department of Energy’s Clean Cities Program,” Clean Cities-Atlanta said in a prepared statement. “Under this large-scale initiative, public and private fleet vehicles in 10 states, from Maryland to Florida to Louisiana, are being converted to propane autogas in order to reduce vehicle emissions, displace gasoline consumption and create American jobs. With the assistance of Clean Cities-Atlanta, SPADP will host their first roadshow event in conjunction with the NPGA Propane Clean Air Rally and Autogas Parade. These roadshows will educate fleet managers, operators, local municipalities/counties and the public on the benefits of autogas use as a transportation fuel.”

Roadshow organizers will contact officials and dignitaries across the southeast United States to bolster the event, which will take place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Centennial Olympic Park prior to the Southeastern Conventional & International Propane Expo. This will be the first event of this magnitude for the Virginia and Atlanta Clean Cities groups, and was a natural tie-in.

“We have been working with the project manager for the Propane Centennial Celebration for some time, and there was already a great deal of support, enthusiasm and organization around this event,” said Don Francis, director of Clean Cities-Atlanta. “We hope to make a significant impact and really increase recognition for propane autogas together.”

In addition, the communications teams and PR professionals from Alliance AutoGas, Clean Cities-Atlanta, CleanFuel USA, GM and Roush CleanTech are combining efforts to publicize the event, delivering a unified and far-reaching message to promote autogas as part of the industry’s centennial year. A press kit will be available for media attending the rally, featuring information from each of the participating organizations and an overview of propane autogas benefits. The Propane Centennial team and communications partners are finalizing proposals for press event panel speakers.

Rally organizers welcome additional propane vehicles for the autogas parade. The goal is to have at least 50 vehicles to contend for a Guinness World Record, organizers added. Currently the parade features a number of interesting vehicles, including a Hummer; a 1972 Buick GS; Ford, GM and Chrysler platform vehicles; police cruisers; forklifts; and a golf cart. To submit a vehicle for inclusion in the event, contact Rick Rubidge at

The tentative schedule for the Propane Clean Air Rally and Autogas Parade is: 8 to 11 a.m., vehicle staging; 11 a.m. to noon, parade; noon to 1 p.m., press conference and rally; and 1 to 3 p.m., ride-and-drives and demonstrations.

About the Author:

Kevin Yanik was a senior editor at LP Gas Magazine.

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