Company offers remote tank monitoring, analytics

February 8, 2017 By    

skybitz-tank-monitoring-240x260SkyBitz Tank Monitoring provides remote monitoring and analytics for the propane market, enabling suppliers, distributors and production managers to optimize their operating efficiency. They receive a rapid return on investment based on actionable data that help them reduce tank-servicing costs and improve inventory management, all while keeping the customer full and happy. Our advanced wireless tank monitoring system gives users the ability to know who needs propane – when, where and how much. It also gives users the ability to know who doesn’t need propane. Companies like South Florida Gas and Shasta Gas are seeing cost reductions of 25 percent and more from tank monitoring because like Chuck Robb of South Florida Gas says, “We’re not going out there when we don’t need to.” Use the technology and data we provide to take the guesswork out of delivery and stop overservicing your tanks. Boost margin dollars and improve your profitability with tank monitoring.

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