Davenport Energy promotes president

March 25, 2022 By    
Hal Thornton Jr.


Davenport Energy, a propane retailer and petroleum products company based in Chatham, Virginia, promoted Harold “Hal” Thornton Jr. to president.

“Hal has been a key part of our success, and we are thrilled to promote him to this important position,” says Lewis Wall Jr., CEO of Davenport Energy.

Thornton joined the company in 1995 as human resources director and rose to additional management positions, most recently serving as executive vice president. Before joining Davenport Energy, he worked for North American Locating.

“Davenport Energy has been my work home for nearly 27 years,” says Thornton, in a news release. “The excitement of watching the company flourish is only matched by the day-to-day honor of being a member of team Davenport. I am grateful for the opportunities afforded me and look forward to Davenport Energy’s continued success.”

Davenport Energy, established in 1941, serves more than 25,000 customers from eight offices in Virginia. The Lester-Penn office has closed, and all of its business has been redirected to Davenport Energy’s Martinsville office.

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About the Author:

Danielle Pesta is the senior digital media manager for North Coast Media, the parent company of LP Gas. She can be reached at dpesta@northcoastmedia.net.

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