EIA: Argentina, China most active in shale drilling outside North America

June 26, 2015 By    

As of last year, only four countries were producing commercial volumes of natural gas from shale formations or crude oil from tight formations, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

The United States and Canada continue to produce natural gas and crude oil from the nations’ shale plays, while Argentina and China recently began producing natural gas and crude oil from their shale formations.

For the last two years, Argentina has drilled more than 275 wells, while China has drilled more than 200 wells. The EIA reports both countries have the potential to increase production of shale gas and tight oil significantly.

Other countries have begun to explore shale gas and tight oil, including Poland, Algeria, Australia, Colombia and Russia. Shale oil and natural gas exploration drilling is also underway in Mexico, particularly in the country’s portion of the Eagle Ford Shale and in the La Casita formation within the Burgos Basin in northeastern Mexico.

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