EPA to offer grant funding for projects aimed at reducing diesel emissions

January 28, 2019 By    

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the availability of grant funding to implement projects aimed at reducing emissions from the nation’s existing fleet of older diesel engines.

According to the EPA, about $40 million in Diesel Emission Reduction Program grant funding will be awarded to eligible applicants, subject to the availability of funds. Eligible medium and heavy-duty diesel trucks and buses may be replaced with alternative fuel vehicles, including those that run on propane autogas, as long as the replacement vehicle is powered by a 2016 model year or newer certified engine, the EPA says.

“By financially supporting projects that upgrade aging diesel engines, EPA is helping improve their efficiency and reduce air pollution throughout the nation,” says Andrew Wheeler, EPA acting administrator. “From our grant programs to our new Cleaner Trucks Initiative, EPA is taking important steps to help modernize heavy-duty trucks and provide cleaner, more efficient methods of transportation that will protect the environment and keep our economy growing.”

Eligible applicants include regional, state, local or tribal agencies, or port authorities with jurisdiction over transportation or air quality. Nonprofit organizations may apply if they provide pollution reduction or educational services to diesel fleet owners or have, as its principal purpose, the promotion of transportation or air quality.

Applicants may apply until March 6.

The EPA is soliciting nationwide applications for projects that significantly reduce diesel emissions and exposure, especially from fleets operating at goods movements facilities in areas designated as having poor air quality.

According to the EPA, priority for funding will be given to projects that engage and benefit local communities and applicants that demonstrate their ability to promote and continue efforts to reduce emissions after the project has ended.

The EPA anticipates awarding between 40 to 80 assistance agreements. Applicants must request funding from the EPA regional office that covers the geographic project location. According to the EPA, the maximum amount of federal funding that may be requested per application varies by region. The region breakdown is as follows:

Region 1 (Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont) will accept proposals requesting up to $1 million in grant funds.

Region 2 (New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands) will accept proposals requesting up to $2.5 million in grant funds.

Region 3 (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia) will accept proposals requesting up to $2.5 million in grant funds.

Region 4 (Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee) will accept proposals requesting up to $2 million in grant funds.

*Featured photo: PERC

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About the Author:

Joe McCarthy was an associate editor at LP Gas Magazine.

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