Faces & Places: August 2018

August 27, 2018 By    

Photo by Brian Richesson


Members of the Westmor Industries team. From left, Tim Esterling, trade show coordinator; Mike Hennen, general manager of Westmor’s truck and trailer division; Mandi Carlberg, marketing communications manager; and Steph Hennen, trade show coordinator. LP Gas visited the Minnesota-based manufacturer to find out more about its “pipeline to pump” offerings.

Photo courtesy of Otodata

Photo courtesy of Otodata


Otodata received the Innovation Award from the Canadian Propane Association (CPA). The award recognizes companies that have contributed to the advancement of the propane industry. From left, Dan Kelly (CPA), Jason Gallovich (Otodata), Andre Boulay (Otodata), Davide Tedeschi (Otodata) and Nathalie St-Pierre (CPA).

Photo courtesy of the World LPG Association


The European LPG Association (AEGPL) hosted its annual congress in Monaco. The event drew over 100 companies and about 1,000 participants to Monte Carlo. From left, Francesco Franchi, president of AEGPL; His Serene Highness, Prince Albert II of Monaco; Antonio Barani, group chief executive for Ankorgaz; and Samual Maubanc, general manager of AEGPL.

Photo by Brian Richesson.

Photo by Tim Esterling.


LP Gas staff members at Westmor Industries, in Morris, Minnesota, prior to attending the Propane Education & Research Council’s July meeting in Minneapolis. From left, Clara Richter, managing editor; Brian Kanaba, publisher; and Brian Richesson, editor in chief.

Photo courtesy of The Propane Education & Research Council


Drew Combs, left, former chairman of the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) hands the gavel to Rob Chalmers at the council meeting in Minneapolis. Chalmers succeeded Combs as chairman.

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