Faces & Places: March 2022
Tom O’Brien, executive director of the Center for International Trade and Transportation, California State University, Long Beach, addresses propane industry members at the National Propane Gas Association’s (NPGA) winter meetings in Palm Springs, California.
Bob Barry of Bergquist Inc., chairman of NPGA, introduces his family during a reception and toast during the association’s winter meetings in Palm Springs, California.
Dan Richardson of Conger LP Gas, right, presents the Southern Regional Technical College (SRTC) with a $5,000 grant from the Propane Education & Research Council. From left are SRTC Air Conditioning Technology faculty Glenn Mobley and program Chair Mike Clements. PERC awarded grants to winning technical and community colleges for teaching approved propane curriculum from the council, using propane equipment for laboratory instruction and encouraging students to get Certified Employee Training Program certification. SRTC was the only college in Georgia to receive the grant.
Joe Buschur of McMahan’s Bottle Gas in Dayton, Ohio, left, and LP Gas Publisher Brian Kanaba share a laugh in Palm Springs, California, where the NPGA held its winter meetings. Buschur was all smiles on Jan. 30 after the Cincinnati Bengals beat the Kansas City Chiefs to gain a Super Bowl berth.
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