FuelMor propane software designed to improve efficiency

June 16, 2021 By    

FuelMor Propane Software is an all-in-one software solution for back-office, dispatch and driver designed for ease of use and improved efficiencies with today’s technologies. The software is a pay-as-you-go, secure, cloud-based solution providing access from any device, at any time and from any location, says FuelMor. The software is web-based, enables back-office customer management and provides a customer portal for payments and delivery requests. Among the delivery creation and routing functions are degree-day tracking, routing map and Julian calendar. Other features include invoice and statement batching; payment plan; tank inventory; tank rent management; how-to guide with steps and videos; help-ticket system with support-team rapid response; reports; driver app with real-time sync; and real-time delivery truck tracking.

Photos courtesy of FuelMor; LUHUANFENG (tablet), cs_durant (truck), Theerakit (Arrow)/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images; Turnervisual/E+/Getty Images (computer)_ fuelmor propane software

Photos courtesy of FuelMor; LUHUANFENG (tablet), cs_durant (truck), Theerakit (arrow)/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images; Turnervisual/E+/Getty Images (computer)

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