Get out and vote
By now we’ve all heard the phrase, “If you don’t vote, don’t complain.”
Some people apparently don’t buy into that cliché, because, as we all know, there are a lot of complainers out there these days – and there’s no way all of those complainers vote. I, however, absolutely buy into the if-you-don’t-vote-don’t-complain notion.
For propane retailers, a number of complaints related to their businesses and the industry as a whole can be made today. As Election Day approaches, some retailers are worried about the direction of the nation and its lasting impact on their businesses. Many retailers are particularly disturbed by political threats to fossil fuels, expressing concerns about their businesses’ place in the coming years as a U.S. energy provider.
Natural gas is certainly a threat as it continuously expands into propane territories, but alternatives such as solar and wind may be positioned as the nation’s next “winners,” considering some of the rhetoric on the campaign trail. Just think how policies favoring competitive energies would affect propane.
Over the last few months, we’ve also heard the phrase, “This is the most important election of our lifetime.” Surely, you’ve grown as tired of hearing this one-liner as much as I have, but again, there’s some truth in this cliché. Now is the moment in which we live, and this moment is the one over which we collectively have some control.
So take control of the moment Tuesday, Nov. 8, and express your fundamental American right to vote. The future of America – and the future of your business – may depend on it.