Mission: The LP Gas Hall of Fame launched in propane’s centennial year (2012) as a way to honor the legends, icons and leaders who have helped establish, advance and grow the propane industry. It provides the industry with an annual, peer-recognized achievement that culminates in a black-tie celebration of the people who have contributed to its century-old history. The Hall of Fame is open to any living or nonliving propane industry employee, working at any level of his or her company, or having retired.
Nomination process: Inductees enter the Hall of Fame first by receiving a nomination. Any member of the propane industry or the general public may submit nominations to LP Gas through its official online form; nominees carry over and remain under consideration each year of the selection process. The official nomination period follows an induction ceremony in April and runs through Sept. 30. If nominations are submitted after the nomination period, nominees won’t become eligible for the Hall of Fame until the following year. Click here to read and/or submit the nomination form.
Selection Committee: The Hall of Fame is an annual honor bestowed upon inductees by their propane industry peers, as an anonymous Selection Committee, composed of representatives of propane marketers and providers of propane equipment and services, discuss the merits of nominees via conference calls in order to decide the next class. The committee has the authority to determine the number of inductees in any given class. Selection Committee discussions begin in October and culminate with the announcement of the next class of inductees in the December issue of LP Gas. Inductees or the families of posthumous inductees are notified of the honor before the issue mails.
Selection criteria: The Selection Committee works under an open set of criteria, using its combined industry experience and knowledge, and information provided in nomination forms, to determine a nominee’s level of contribution to the propane industry. If the committee feels more information is needed to help determine the merits of a nominee, the LP Gas staff will gather that information for the Selection Committee prior to the next conference call.
Voting: The Selection Committee will consider the entire group of nominees, looking closely at previous finalists and new nominees. Through its discussions, the committee will narrow the field to a group of finalists from which members will vote to determine the next class. Selection Committee members will submit their votes by phone or email to LP Gas. Recent past inductees are given an optional, honorary vote. In the case of a tie, the committee has the authority to hold a separate vote or induct all members who have the same number of votes. Committee members up for induction cannot vote for themselves.
Induction ceremony: The highest vote getters are honored at an annual black-tie event prior to the NPGA Southeastern Convention & International Propane Expo. The propane industry celebration is open to anyone.