IPS, Sonariot, Mopeka Products establish distribution agreement

September 14, 2021 By    

Sonariot – a provider of Mopeka Products sonar tank monitoring solutions – and IPS signed a partnership that will extend Mopeka Products’ offering to IPS’s customer network across the Midwestern U.S.

Sonar tank monitoring solutions measure propane, butane, water and other liquid commodities in both pressurized and non-pressurized tanks. The offering allows IPS’s propane dealers and distributors to accurately measure the levels of propane in their tanks.

“Organizations are striving to increase their efficiency and supply chain management while enhancing customer service and acquisition strategies,” says Kevin Jaffe, CEO of Sonariot. “To do this successfully, they must better understand their customers’ current utilization and project future demand to meet them at their moment of need.”

Sonariot says the accuracy of sonar monitoring technology assists companies in improving inventory and delivery management, as well as profitability and customer service. Drivers can install the sonar sensors in one to two minutes, the company adds.

“Our customers are recognizing the advantages that sonar tank monitoring can bring to more accurately measure current tank volumes, to assist in predicting future demand and to streamline existing operations,” says Kim Godlewski, vice president of IPS. “The Mopeka Products range of sonar tank monitoring solutions will greatly assist in this objective and will leverage the power of mobile and cloud-based delivery.”

“IPS is an excellent addition to the channel we are developing through our strategic partnership with Sonariot,” says Jason Peck, co-owner and vice president of Mopeka Products. “We are proud to welcome IPS’s professionalism, experience and client commitment to the expanding opportunity we see for our sonar tank monitoring solutions.”

Sonariot and Mopeka Products also established a relationship with Teeco Products to distribute sonar tank monitoring solutions in the Western U.S.

Featured image: tttuna/E+/Getty Images

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