July 2023: U.S. corn crop progress

July 12, 2023 By    
Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Crop Progress Report _ corn crop

Click to enlarge. Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Crop Progress Report

Propane retailers preparing for the crop drying season should note the corn crop is progressing at a pace consistent with last year. However, conditions deteriorated throughout June due to warmer-than-normal temperatures. By July 2, 8 percent of the nation’s corn acreage had reached the silking stage, 1 percentage point ahead of last year but 1 percentage point behind the five-year average. On July 2, 51 percent of the corn acreage was rated in good to excellent condition, 1 percentage point above the previous week but 13 points below the previous year. In Iowa, the largest corn-producing state, 61 percent of the crop was rated in good to excellent condition.

Source: July 5 weekly weather and crop bulletin jointly published by NOAA, NASS and the World Agricultural Outlook Board

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