2002 Top 50 propane retailer rankings
1 AmeriGas Partners, L. P.
P.O. Box 965 – Valley Forge, PA 19482
Phone: 610.337-7000 – Fax: 610.992-3253
Web site: www.amerigas.com
Founded: 1959
Owners: Publicly held
Outlets: 700 – States: 50
Customers: 1,293,969
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 1,089,000,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 303,000,000
Employees: 6,300
Bobtails: 2,748
Transports: 590
Acquisitions: 3
Gallons Acquired: 300,000,000
Fiscal year ends: 9-30-01
Officers: Lon R. Greenberg, chairman; Eugene V. N. Bissell, president and chief executive officer; R. Paul Grady, senior vice president, operations and chief operating officer; Brendan P. Bovaird, vice president and general counsel; William D. Katz, vice president, human resources; Earle A. Compton, vice president, management information systems; Robert H. Knauss, vice president, law, associate general counsel, secretary and assistant treasurer; Martha Lindsay, vice president, finance, and chief financial officer; David L. Lugar, vice president, supply and transportation; Carey M. Monoghan, vice president, business transformation and marketing; Richard R. Eynon, controller and chief accounting officer; Robert W. Krick, treasurer and assistant secretary; Samuel R. Mauriello, assistant treasurer; Patrick V. Franken, Randy A. Hannigan, Billy G. Randolph, Suzanne M. Regan, Robert C. Roseler, John A. Sette and Colleen Fay, regional vice presidents.
2 Ferrellgas Partners, L. P.
One Liberty Plaza – Liberty, MO 64068
Phone: 816.792-1600 – Fax: 816.792-7985
E-mail: investors@ferrellgas.com
Web site: www.ferrellgas.com
Founded: 1939
Owners: Ferrell Companies Inc., unitholders
Outlets: 604
States: 45
Customers: 1,100,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 956,700,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 97,000,000
Employees: 5,064
Storage: 206,000,000 gallons
Acquisitions: 2
Gallons acquired: 900,000
Fiscal year ends: 7-31-01
Officers: James E. Ferrell, chairman, chief executive officer and president; Patrick J. Chesterman, executive vice president and chief operating officer; Kevin T. Kelly, senior vice president and chief financial officer; Kenneth A. Heinz, vice president,corporate development.
3 Cenex Propane Partners
5500 Cenex Drive, Mail Station #585 – Inver Grove Heights, MN 55434
Phone: 800.852-8186, Ext. 8429
Fax: 651.306-8499
E-mail: aarendt@countryenergy.com
Web site: www.cenex.com
Founded: 1929
Owners: CHS cooperatives
Outlets: 1,589
States: 44
Customers: 737,036
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 613,201,612
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 246,813,819
Employees: 2,871
Bobtails: 1,744
Transports: 718
Storage: 55,232,008 gallons
Acquisitions: 9
Gallons acquired: 7,918,149
Fiscal year ends: 8-31-01
Officers: Leon Westbrock, executive and chief operating officer, Crop Inputs; Paul Culver, vice president, propane operations.
Operations Personnel: Monte Rockow, marketing manager; Darin Hunhoff and Steve Secory, supervisors, propane sales; Gary Bourne, manager of propane safety and regulatory compliance. Propane Supply from Williams Energy Marketing and Trading: David Wunch, director, propane supply; Mike Lassman, vice president, NGLs; David Shields, director, gas trading.
4 Suburban Propane Partners, L.P.
240 Route 10 West, P.O. Box 206
Whippany, NJ 07981
Phone: 973.887-5300 – Fax: 973.515-5994
Web site: www.suburbanpropane.com
Founded: 1928
Owners: Publicly held
Outlets: 333
States: 41
Customers: 800,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 525,000,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 200,000,000
Employees: 3,478
Bobtails: 1,100
Transports: -0-
Acquisitions: N/A
Fiscal year ends: 9-30-01
Officers: Mark A. Alexander, president and CEO; Mark Anton II, vice president, business development; Michael J. Dunn Jr., senior vice president; David R. Eastin, senior vice president and chief operating officer; Michael M. Keating, vice president, human resources and administration; Janice G. Meola, secretary and general counsel; Robert M. Plante, vice president and treasurer; Russell T. Rupp, vice president, support services.
5 Heritage Propane Partners, L.P.
8801 South Yale, Suite 310
Tulsa, OK 74137
Phone: 918.492-7272 – Fax: 918.493-7290
E-mail: HPPLP@aol.com
Web site: www.heritagepropane.com
Founded: 1989
Owners: Heritage Holdings Inc. and public unitholders
Outlets: 275
States: 28
Customers: 600,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 400,000,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 25,000,000
Employees: 2,340
Bobtails: 984
Transports: 41
Acquisitions: 10
Gallons acquired: 60,000,000
Fiscal year ends: 8-31-01
Officers: James E. Bertelsmeyer, chairman; H. Michael Krimbill, president and chief executive officer; R.C. Mills, executive vice president and chief operating officer; Larry J. Dagley, vice president and chief financial officer; Bradley K. Atkinson, vice president of corporate development; Curtis Weishahn, vice president of Western Operations; Mark Darr, vice president of Southern Operations; Tom Rose, vice president of Northern Operations; Al Darr, director of corporate development; George Palmer, vice president.
Operations Personnel: Van Peterson, Bill Kiefer, Paul Ward, Blaine Cronn, Carl Weeks, Alan Wells, Trip Timberlake, Steve Sheffield, Jim Hamilton, Mike Hainlin, Jane Sullivan, Byron Marshall, Tony Slayden, Don Kendall, Lloyd Pope, Bob Hill, Jack McKeehan, Tony Provencio, Bob Young, Bob Spaniel, Wayne Canary, Bill Cody and Norm Crook, vice presidents; Jerry Lucas, director of safety; Randy Chitty and Pat West, directors of marketing; and Charles Pass, controller.
6 CornerStone Propane
432 Westridge Drive – Watsonville, CA 95076
Phone: 831.724-1921 – Fax: 831.724-4038
Web site: www.cornerstonepropane.com
Founded: 1996
Owners: MLP
Outlets: 263
States: 34
Customers: 470,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 275,400,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 205,230,509
Employes: 2,206
Bobtails: 780
Transports: 50
Storage: 53,000,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 6-30-01
Officers: Keith G. Baxter, president and chief executive officer; W. Andrew Lang, president and chief operating officer, Coast Energy Group; Charles J. Kittrell, executve vice president and chief operating officer; Alan Movson, vice president, human resources; Richard D. Nye, acting chief financial officer and vice president, finance and administration.
Operations Personnel: Stanley Nordlund, Western division manager; Kevin Cronin, Eastern division manager.
7 Star Gas Propane, L.P.
2187 Atlantic St. – Stamford, CT 06902
Phone: 203.328-7300 – Fax: 203.328-7393
E-mail: dmoss@stargaspropane.com
Web site: www.star-gas.com
Founded: 1952
Owners: Publicly held
Outlets: 123
States: 17
Customers: 259,306
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 136,823,538
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 4,100,000
Employees: 850
Bobtails: 390
Transports: 6
Storage capacity: 22,260,000 gallons
Acquisitions: 29
Gallons acquired: 18,483,000
Fiscal year ends: 9-30-01
Officers: Joseph Cavanaugh, president and chief executive officer; Richard Ambury, vice president, finance; Bill Corbin, vice president, operations.
Operations Personnel: Don Moss, operations support manager.
8 Inergy, L.P.
1101 Walnut, Suite 1500 – Kansas City, MO 64106
Phone: 816.842-8181 – Fax: 816.842-1904
E-mail: info@inergyservices.com
Web site: www.inergypropane.com
Founded: 1996
Owner: Publicly held
Outlets: 104
States: 14
Customers: 199,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 117,093,569
2001 wholesale gallons: 262,736,000
Employees: 724
Bobtails: 357
Transports: 79
Storage: 6,198,000 gallons
Acquisitions: 2
Gallons acquired: 61,762,569
Fiscal year ends: 9-30-01
Officers: John J. Sherman, president and chief executive officer; Phillip L. Elbert Sr., vice president, operations; R. Brooks Sherman, vice president and chief financial officer; Carl Hughes, vice president, business development; Michael D. Fox, vice president, wholesale marketing; William C. Gautreaux, vice president, supply; David Scott, president, Independent Propane; Robert Galvin, vice president and chief financial officer, Independent Propane.
Regional presidents/managers: Jay Cates, president, McCracken Propane; Bill Thompson, general manager, Bradley Propane; Gary Komosa, president, Country Gas; Dan Manson, president, Hoosier Propane; Joseph Donnell, president, L&L Transportation; Craig Courts, president, Pro Gas.
9 MFA Oil Co.
One Ray Young Drive – Columbia, MO 65201
Phone: 573.442-0171 – Fax: 573.876-0321
E-mail: admin@mfaoil.com
Web site: www.mfaoil.com
Founded: 1929
Owners: Farmers Cooperative
Outlets: 116
States: 5
Customers: 95,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 102,500,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 291
Bobtails: 286
Transports: 22
Storage: 4,908,000 gallons
Acquisitions: 2
Gallons acquired: 1,500,000
Fiscal year ends: 8-31-01
Officers: Dale Creach, president; Ken Caspall, senior vice president, sales; Jerome Taylor, senior vice president, retail; John Kruse, senior vice president, finance.
10 Agway Energy Products
P.O. Box 4852 – Syracuse, NY 13221-4852
Phone: 1.888-AGWAY24 – Fax: 315.449-6682
E-mail: info@agwayenergy.com
Web site: www.agwayenergy.com
Founded: 1964
Owners: N/A
Outlets: 76 – States: 4
Customers: 205,502
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 98,500,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 600
Bobtails: 242
Transports: 6
Storage: 2,000,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 6-30-01
Officers: Michael R. Hopsicker, president; Michael F. Meath, vice president, business development & public affairs; Dennis W. Trautman, executive vice president, operations; John W. Canty, vice president, finance; Joseph B. McGraw, vice president, human resources; Joseph Cunningham, director, marketing; Kent Reardon, director, information technology.
Operations Personnel: Linda M. Voss, general manager, Region 1; Michael M. Lague, general manager, Region 2; William Anderson, general manager, Region 3; Dean E. Salsgiver, general manager, Region 4.
11 Blossman Gas Inc.
P.O. Box 1110, 809 Washington Ave.
Ocean Springs, MS 39564
Phone: 228.872-8900 – Fax: 228.875-9307
E-mail: info@blossmangas.com
Web site: www.blossmangas.com
Founded: 1951
Owners: Blossman family and employees
Outlets: 73
States: 8
Customers: 126,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 75,604,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 539
Bobtails: 167
Transports: -0-
Storage: 4,900,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 6-30-01
Officers: John Blossman, chairman; Stuart Weidie, president; Jessie Johnson, vice president, sales; Al Allen, vice president, administration; David Reynolds, vice president, finance.
Operations Personnel: Mark Denton, Jerdon Welborn, Gary McDaniel, Felton Crews and Don Smith,area managers; Don Singleton, safety and training director; Marty Beech, MIS manager.
12 Southern States Cooperative Inc.
6606 West Broad St. – Richmond, VA 23260
Phone: 804.281-1179 – Fax: 804.281-1362
Web site: www.southernstates-coop.com
Founded: 1923
Owners: Farmers cooperative
Outlets: 81
States: 6+
Customers: 65,064
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 71,962,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 424
Bobtails: 173
Transports: 3
Storage: N/A
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 6-30-01
Officers: Wayne A. Boutwell, president and chief executive officer; Jonathan A. Hawkins, executive vice president and chief financial officer; Joe Koch, executive vice president and chief operations officer; Hopper Ancarrow Jr., senior vice president, general counsel and secretary.
Operations Personnel: Ray Works, vice president-petroleum business; Tracy Amburgey, operations-supply and distribution; Barry Lawson, propane supply and distribution; Ray Filasky, petroleum retail operations and sales; Marty Shephard, controller.
13 Dowdle Butane Gas Co. Inc.
P.O. Box 9129 – 2413 Highway 45 N.
Columbus, MS 39705
Phone: 662.328-2080 – Fax: 662.327-7425
Founded: 1956
Owner: J. Nutie Dowdle
Outlets: 60
States: 4
Customers: 130,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 59,909,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 7,100,000
Employees: 440
Bobtails: 170
Transports: 34
Storage: 5,000,000 gallons
Acquisitions: 1
Gallons acquired: 300,000
Fiscal year ends: 7-31-01
Officers: J. Nutie Dowdle, chairman and chief executive officer; Gary Dennis, president and chief operating officer; John C. Dowdle, president, Gas Terminal Inc. (TN operation); Burdette Honnoll, Mark Jaynes and Larry Franklin, vice presidents; John Bowen, secretary/treasurer and chief financial officer; Keith Laird, supply and distribution.
Operations Personnel: Jay Mosley, Bob Wallace, Reggie Waugh and Gene Maddox, regional managers.
14 Lakes Gas Co.
655 South Lake St. – Forest Lake, MN 55025
Phone: 651.464-3345 – Fax: 651.464-7467
E-mail: lakesgasco@usinternet.com
Founded: 1959
Owner: Howard E. Sargeant
Outlets: 48
States: 5
Customers: 69,800
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 56,400,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 49,500,000
Employees: 288
Bobtails: 127
Transports: 6
Storage: 3,630,000 gallons
Acquisitions: 1
Gallons acquired: 19,500,000
Fiscal year ends: 6-30-01
Officers: Howard Sargeant, president; Steve Sargeant, vice president.
Operations Personnel: Pat Head, Tom Jilek, Glenn Oberg, Tom Burling.
15 All Star Gas Corp.
119 W. Commercial St.
Lebanon, MO 65536
Phone: 417.532-3103 – Fax: 417.532-8529
E-mail: mail@allstargas.com
Web site: www.allstargas.com
Founded: 1963
Owner: Paul S. Lindsey
Outlets: 60
States: 6
Customers: 57,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 51,000,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 324
Bobtails: 130
Transports: 6
Storage: 5,500,000 gallons
Acquisitions: 6
Gallons acquired: 4,000,000
Fiscal year ends: 6-30-01
Officers: Paul S. Lindsey, president and chief executive officer; Valeria Schall and Kris Lindsey, executive vice presidents; Brad Beneke and Bob Heagerty, senior vice presidents; Ken Oberbeck, treasurer/vice president; Greg House, vice president, MIS; Willis Green, vice president/controller.
Operations Personnel: Don Seals, Ed Cavalieri, Steve Swillum, Jerry Mulligan, regional sales managers; Erik C. Lindsey, area sales manager/regional manager; Jon Brotz, Steve Fry, Brett Mahan, assistant regional managers.
16 United Propane Gas Companies Inc.
P.O. Box 2450, 4200 Cairo Road
Paducah, KY 42002-2450
Phone: 270.442-5557 – Fax: 270.444-6380
E-mail: info@upgas.com
Web site: www.unitedpropanegas.com
Founded: 195
Owners: Privately held
Outlets: 41
States: 6
Customers: 80,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 48,000,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 168
Bobtails: 116
Transports: 47
Storage: 1,500,000 gallons
Acquisitions: 1
Gallons acquired: 500,000
Fiscal year ends: 7-31-01
Officers: L. Curtsinger, chief financial officer; K. Walker, general manager; D. Walsh, vice president; C. Small, president.
17 Pro Am Inc.
One NorthShore Center, 12 Federal St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Phone: 412.330-1003 – Fax: 412.330-1049
Web site: www.dge.com
Founded: 1999
Owner: Wholly owned subsidiary of DQE
Outlets: 56
States: 7
Customers: 70,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 45,000,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: N/A
Employees: 295
Bobtails: 145
Transports: 9
Storage: 5,400,000 gallons
Acquisitions: N/A
Fiscal year ends: 12-31-01
Officers: Mark S. Daday, president; Kelly M. Pasterick, vice president and controller; William H. Roberts, vice president, legal; Kenneth E. Welsh, senior vice president, operations.
18 Jenkins Gas & Oil Co. Inc.
P.O. Box 156 – Pollocksville, NC 28573
Phone: 252.224-8911 – Fax: 252.224-1443
E-mail: jenkins@cconnect.net
Web site: www.jenkinsgas.com
Founded: 1953
Owners: R.L. (Bob) Mattocks II and family
Outlets: 25
States: 1
Customers: 50,766
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 38,911,861
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: N/A
Employees: 242
Bobtails: 100
Transports: -0-
Storage: 2,209,500 gallons
Acquisitions: 1
Gallons acquired: 1,500,000
Fiscal year ends: 12-31-01
Officers: R.L. (Bob) Mattocks II, chairman and chief executive officer; Robert L. Rawls, president and chief operating officer; Ronald M. Munyon, executive vice president; Robert Meadows, chief financial officer/secretary; John Robert Mattocks, vice president, administration; D. J. Williams, vice president, product purchases; James R. Swanson, vice president, marketing; Heidi Freeman, assistant treasurer; Susan Rossi, assistant secretary.
Operations Personnel:
John Haskins, director of safety and education; Henry Martin, director of merchandising; Shirley Eubanks, director of purchasing.
19 Eastern Propane Gas Inc.
28 Industrial Way – Rochester, NH 03867
Phone: 603.332-2080 – Fax: 603.332-4157
Web site: www.easternman.com
Founded: 1932
Owner: Charles Vernon Clement III
Outlets: 6
States: 7
Customers: 80,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 35,000,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 18,000,000
Employees: 318
Bobtails: 76
Transports: 11
Storage: 2,200,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 6-30-01
Officers: Charles V. Clement III, president; James Coffin, senior officer and advisory board member; Peter W. Gowell, chief financial officer; James Hurley, director of wholesale & procurement; Jeffrey Taylor, director of retail operations.
Operations Personnel: Denis Gagne, manager, non-liquid inventory and purchasing, manager of wholesale accounts; Paul Daniels, regional manager, sales & service centers; Brian Boudreau, manager, administration & risk management; Kathy Ford, manager, customer care.
20 V-1 Oil Co. Inc.
P.O. Box 2436, 1800 North Holmes Ave.
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Phone: 208.522-1210 – Fax: 208.522-1452
E-mail: rclayton@v1propane.com
Web site: www.v1propane.com
Founded: 1939
Owner: S. H. Bennion family heirs
Outlets: 42
States: 8
Customers: 60,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 30,800,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 2,800,000
Employees: 200
Bobtails: 88
Transports: 12
Storage: 2,400,000 gallons
Acquisitions: 1
Gallons acquired: 200,000 +
Fiscal year ends: 12-31-01
Officers: Robert E. Clayton, president and chief executive officer; Richard T. Michaelis, vice president; Gene Baxter, secretary.
Operations Personnel: Gary Van Hees, Tom Horton, Craig Kennedy, Ryan Poole, Tom Christy, regional managers.
21 The Gas Company
P.O. Box 3000 – Honolulu, HI 96802-3000
Phone: 808.535-5900 – Fax: 808.535-5944
Web site: www.hawaiigas.com
Founded: 1904
Owners: Citizens Communications Company
Outlets: 7
States: 1
Customers: 30,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 27,151,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 310
Bobtails: 32
Transports: 6
Storage: 2,300,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 12-31-01
Officers: Jim R. Yates, vice president, Hawaii Energy.
Operations Personnel: Tom Young, director, Gas Operations; Charlie Calvet, manager, engineering; Mike Kita, SNG plant manager; Lance Lam, manager, LPG supply and distribution; Bob Miysaki, manager, asset management and new service installation; Roy Yoshimoto, manager, transmission and distribution; Richard Yorioka, manager, Neighbor Islands Operations; George Lee, Maui branch manager; Glen Takenouchi, Kauai branch manager.
22 Herring Gas Co. Inc.
P.O. Box 308 – Meadville, MS 39653
Phone: 601.384-5833 – Fax: 601.384-2205
E-mail: edherring@telepak.net
Founded: 1946
Owner: Herring family
Outlets: 22
States: 2
Customers: 45,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 23,715,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 105,000
Employees: 174
Bobtails: 75
Transports: 4
Storage: 1,570,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 9-30-01
Officers: Edward G. Herring, chief executive officer; Bob Kimbrough, vice president, administration; Doug Grisson, chief financial officer; Richard Graves, MIS.
Operations Personnel: Jody Herring, fleet and safety manager; Mike Carraway, Eddie Stebbins, Jeff Bryant and Michael Saucier, operations managers.
23 Paraco Gas Corp.
2975 Westchester Ave. – Purchase, NY 10577
Phone: 914.696-4427 – Fax: 914.696-4443
E-mail: mgioffre@paraco-gas.com
Web site: www.paraco-gas.com
Founded: 1968
Owner: Armentano family
Outlets: 11
States: 2
Customers: 43,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 21,245,850
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 5,056,393
Employees: 165
Bobtails: 35
Transports: 2
Storage: 648,000 gallons
Acquisitions: 4
Gallons acquired: 2,000,000
Fiscal year ends: 7-31-01
Officers: Pat Armentano, chairman; Joseph Armentano, chief executive officer; John Armentano, vice president, operations; Chris Carr, chief financial officer; Michael Gioffre, vice president, sales and marketing.
24 Valley National Gases Inc.
67 43rd St. – Wheeling, WV 26003
Phone: 304.232-1541 – Fax: 304.233-2812
Web site: www.vnggas.com
Founded: 1958
Owners: Publicly held
Outlets: 30 bulk outlets (60 cylinder locations)
States: 9
Customers: N/A
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 21,243,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: N/A
Employees: N/A
Bobtails: 54
Transports: -0-
Storage:1,000,000 gallons in 30 plants
Fiscal year ends: 6-30-01
Officers: Lawrence Bandi, chief executive officer; John Bushwack, chief operating officer; Robert Scherich, chief financial officer.
Operations Personnel: Rich Hersick, vice president, operations; Frank Farrell, sales & training; Barb Moore, Earle Moore, Keith Woodruff and Jim McClaughry, regional managers; Steve Struble and Trent Johnson, regional propane managers.
25 United Propane Inc.
205 Najoles Road – Millersville, MD 21108
Phone: 410.987-9000 – Fax: 410.987-5906
E-mail: info@unitedpropane.com
Web site: www.unitedpropane.com
Founded: 1943
Owner: Robert Pascal
Outlets: 12
States: 6
Customers: 32,275
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 20,351,419
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 5,316,415
Employees: 121
Bobtails: N/A
Transports: 6
Storage: 1,068,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 6-30-01
Officers: Robert Pascal, COB/owner; Marcel Henry, chief executive officer; Darshana Patel, president; Chip Garrett, vice president.
Operations Personnel: Stephen Holtz, marketing./sales manager; Ron Zabiegalski, regional manager; Eric Megargel, Sam Marshall, Mike Gaiser, Judy Hoover and James Cheezum, branch managers.
26 Sharp Energy
520 Commerce St. – Salisbury, MD 21802
Phone: 410.749-4147 – Fax: 410.341-3212
E-mail: jschneider@chpk.com
Web site: sharpenergy.com
Founded: 1981
Owner: Chesapeake Utilities Corp.
Outlets: 8
States: 3
Customers: N/A
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 20,232,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 2,644,000
Employees: 112
Bobtails: 40
Transports: 5
Storage: 1,928,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 12-31-01
Officers: James R. Schneider, president; John R. Schimkaitis, chairman; William C. Boyles, vice president and secretary; Michael P. McMasters, vice president, chief financial officer and treasurer; Thomas A. Geoffroy, vice president; Beth W. Cooper, assistant treasurer and assistant secretary; James R. Lowe, assistant treasurer.
Operations Personnel: Chris Cafarella, director of regional customer service.
27 Federated Propane
211 S. Cleveland – Cambridge, MN 55008
Phone: 763.689-1751 – Fax: 763.689-1756
Founded: 1942
Owners: Federated Coops Inc.
Outlets: 13
States: 2
Customers: 21,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 18,600,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 55
Bobtails: 37
Transports: N/A
Storage: 825,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 6-30-01
Officers: Jim Bartz, president; Abdon Peterson, secretary.
28 Gas Incorporated
P.O. Box 1223 – 107 Mattox Court
LaGrange, GA 30241
Phone: 706.885-9573 – Fax: 706.885-9720
Founded: 1947
Owners: N/A
Outlets: 14
States: 4
Customers: 30,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 17,499,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 2,000,000
Employees: 115
Bobtails: 60
Transports: 5
Plants: 26
Storage: 1,975,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 9-30-01
Officers: Betty Mattox, chairman; Ken Mattox Jr., chief executive officer; Bob Hetzler, vice president, operations; Forest Shepherd, treasurer; Zachry Mattox, president, WUN Sungas Inc.
29 Delta Liquid Energy
P.O. Box 3068 – Paso Robles, CA 93447
Phone: 805.239-0616 – Fax: 805.239-1327
E-mail: billp@deltaliquidenergy.com
Web site: www.deltaliquidenergy.com
Founded: 1936
Owner: Platz family
Outlets: 8
States: 1
Customers: 15,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 16,000,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: N/A
Employees: 81
Bobtails: 23
Transports: 2
Storage: 340,000 gallons
Fiscal year ends: 9-30-01
Officers: Frank Platz, chairman; William Platz, president.
30 Scott Petroleum Corp.
102 Main St. – Itta Bena, MS 38941
Phone: 662.254-9024 – Fax: 662.254-6660
E-mail: sasii@tecinfo.com
Web site: www.scottpetroleum.com
Founded: 1935
Owner: Solon A. Scott Jr.
Outlets: 14
States: 3
Customers: 32,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 15,235,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 110
Bobtails: 39
Transports: 6
Storage: 1,840,000
Acquisitions: 1
Gallons acquired: 300,000
Fiscal year ends: 12-31-01
Officers: Solon Scott Jr., president; Solon Scott III, vice president; Oliver Simmons, secretary/controller.
Operations Personnel: Harold Johnson, general manager; Vince McDaniel, credit manager; David McClusky, transport dispatcher; Richie Fulgham, data processing manager.
31 Tri-Gas & Oil Co. Inc.
P.O. Box 465, 3941 Federalsburg Hwy.
Federalsburg, MD 21632
Phone: 410.754-8184 – Fax: 410.754-1015
E-mail: kmcmahan@trigas-oil.com
Web site: www.trigas-oil.com
Founded: 1963
Owners: Keith A. and Douglas L. McMahan
Outlets: 6
States: 2
Customers: 17,288
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 13,594,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 19,748,767
Employees: 175
Bobtails: 32
Transports: 14
Storage: 928,300 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 9-30-01
Officers: Keith A. McMahan, president; Douglas L. McMahan, secretary/treasurer; Earl F. Slacum, executive vice president; Terri Henry, vice president, finance.
Operations Personnel: Thomas H. Thompson, director, retail operations.
32 Anderson Propane
1600 Clifty Hwy. – Hindsville, AR 72738
Phone: 800.448-8927 – Fax: 501.789-5566
Founded: 1988
Owners: Don and Doug Anderson
Outlets: 4
States: 3
Customers: N/A
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 13,175,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 42
Bobtails: 17
Transports: 3
Storage: 492,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 12-31-01
Officers: Doug Anderson and Don Anderson, owner/operators.
33 Aeropres Propane Inc.
1324 N. Hearne Ave., Suite #100
Shreveport, LA 71107
Phone: 318.221-6282 – Fax: 318.222-1929
E-mail: rhorne@aeropres.com
Web site: www.aeroprespropane.com
Founded: 1989
Owners: Aeropres Propane Inc.
Outlets: 15
States: 4
Customers: 28,435
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 12,705,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 90
Bobtails: 40
Transports: -0-
Storage: 980,776
Acquisitions: 4
Gallons acquired: 1,900,000
Fiscal year ends: 3-31-01
Officers: Ken Odom, chief executive officer; Ron Horne, president; Billy Golson, vice president, operations; Mickey Walker, treasurer; Ruth Doreck, secretary.
Operations Personnel: Shirley Andrews, manager of field administration and acquisitions; Tom Hennigan, safety director; Shelia Hodges, business manager; Ben Strange, David Stephens, Tommy Coates, Arkansas district managers; Mike Wise, Rick Powell, Jim Kirby, Artie Cole, Scott Harris and Bill Young, Louisiana district managers.
34 G&B Energy
P.O. Box 811, 667 N. Bridge St.
Elkin, NC 28621
Phone: 336.835-3607 – Fax: 336.835-2117
Web site: www.gbenergy.com
Founded: 1930
Owner: Family owned
Outlets: 10
States: 3
Customers: 23,500
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 12,250,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 115
Bobtails: 25
Transports: 6
Storage: 480,000 gallons
Fiscal year ends: 4-30-01
Officers: Fred Eidson, owner and secretary-treasurer; Jeffrey C. Eidson, owner and president; Rick Caudle and Kirk Bailey, vice presidents; Kelly Douglas, vice president, finance; Jeff Steelman, vice president, retail gasoline.
Operations Personnel: Travis Brown, Kevin Campbell, Jim Kilpatrick, David Warren, Danny Hubson, district managers.
35 ACME Propane Gas Co. Inc.
P.O. Box 547 – Greenville, AL 36037
Phone: 334.383-9077 – Fax: 334.383-9347
E-mail: bchandler@acmegas.com
Web site: www.acmegas.com
Founded: 1957
Outlets: 13
States: 1
Customers: N/A
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 11,400,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 600,000
Employees: 95
Bobtails: 35
Transports: 4
Storage: 2,500,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 6-30-01
Officers: J.M. Chandler, president; Cleveland Poole, vice president; Brian M. Chandler, vice president of operations & secretary; Velecia Norris, vice president of administration.
Operations Personnel: Brian M. Chandler, vice president of operations; Kenny Wilkerson, safety & operations coordinator; Kim Whiddon, transporation and compliance coordinator; Billy J. Sexton, marketing representative.
36 Country Gas Companies
P.O. Box 1269 – Sumiton, AL 35148
Phone: 205.648-3237 – Fax: 205.648-4111
E-mail: ken@countrygas.com
Web site: www.countrygas.com
Founded: 1969
Owner: Drummond & Watson families
Outlets: 11
States: 2
Customers: 18,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 10,565,122
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 90
Bobtails: 24
Transports: 8
Storage: 775,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 8-31-01
Officers: Rabon Watson, president; Mickey Drummond, treasurer.
Operations Personnel: Rex Watson, general manager, Country Gas of Madison County Inc.; Ken Watson, controller; Steve Watson, purchasing; Brad Drummond, safety; Phillip Drummond, operations/marketing.
37 Schagrin Gas Company
P.O. Box 427, 1000 N. Broad St.
Middletown, DE 19709
Phone: 302.378-2000 – Fax: 302.378-2898
E-mail: schagringas.com
Web site: www.schagringas.com
Founded: 1932
Owner: Levinson family
Outlets: 5
States: 4
Customers: 16,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 9,850,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 650,000
Employees: 73
Bobtails: 18
Transports: 3
Storage: 570,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 8-31-01
Officers: Eric B. Levinson, president; Andrew C. Levinson, vice president; Margaret S. Levinson, secretary; Milton Levinson, chairman emeritus.
Operations Personnel: Andrew Lambert, vice president, operations; Scott Aiello, comptroller.
38 Penn Fuel Propane
57 S. Third St. – Oxford, PA 19363
Phone: 610.932-6559 – Fax: 610.932-3194
E-mail: gplumer@ppl.com
Founded: 1944
Owners: PPL Corp.
Outlets: 11
States: 3
Customers: 28,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 8,220,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 220,000
Employees: 75
Bobtails: 30
Transports: 2
Storage: 725,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 12-31-01
Officers: Robert Geneczko, president.
Operations Personnel: Jack Preston, director of propane operation; George Plumer, propane division manager.
39 Northwest Propane Gas Co.
11551 Harry Hines Blvd. – Dallas, TX 75229
Phone: 972.247-6121 – Fax: 972.241-2555
E-mail: info@northwestpropane.com
Web site: www.northwestpropane.com
Founded: 1946
Owners: Privately held
Outlets: 4
States: 1
Customers: 16,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 7,886,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 4,145,000
Employees: 53
Bobtails: 18
Transports: 5
Storage: 392,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 8-31-01
Officers: Jay B. Wood, president; Tim L. Wood, vice president; Jerry L. Hatzfeld, secretary/treasurer.
40 Milton Propane Inc.
3992 E. Vincent St. – Milton, WI 53563
Phone: 608.868-9710 – Fax: 608.868-6786
E-mail: miltonpropane@centurytel.net
Founded: 1963
Owner: John C. Arndt
Outlets: 3
States: 2
Customers: 10,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 7,775,276
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 31
Bobtails: 15
Transports: 3
Storage: 408,000
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 12-31-01
Officer: John C. Arndt, president.
Operations Personnel: John Arnoldussen, Kaukauna manager; Scott Aylesworth, Waupun manager.
41 Southern LP Gas Inc.
P.O. Box 1010, 512 E. Stillwell – DeQueen, AR 71832
Phone: 870.642-2234 – Fax: 870.642-8282
E-mail: ronmoore@ipa.net
Founded: 1946
Owner: Lou Gray
Outlets: 16
States: 2
Customers: N/A
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 7,571,010
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 306,558
Employees: 78
Bobtails: 71
Transports: -0-
Storage: 1,113,423 gallons
Acquisitions: 1
Gallons acquired: 700,000
Fiscal year ends: 3-31-01
Officers: Lou Gray, chief executive officer; Ron Moore, president; Ray Still, vice president, operations; Cathy Sennett, vice president, administration; Julie Brown, secretary-treasurer.
Operations Personnel: John Volner, district manager, Arkansas; Al Cadwallader, district manager, Louisiana.
42 E.O. Sharp Butane
Co. Inc.
P.O. Box 599, 108 Main St.
Smithville, TX 78957
Phone: 512.237-2521 – Fax: 512.360-2648
E-mail: becky@sharp-propane.com
Founded: 1949
Owner: Sharp Family
Outlets: 10
States: 1
Customers: 19,600
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 7,562,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 360,000
Employees: 69
Bobtails: 30
Transports: 4
Storage: 730,300
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 5-31-01
Officers: Michael D. Sharp Jr., president; Leslie Browning, vice president, trucking; Randy Geltmeier, vice president, safety and compliance; Rebecca Kelly, secretary; Ted R. Parks, treasurer.
Operations Personnel: Danny Vickery, manager, Bastrop; Lilla Bartos, manager, Flatonia; Ron Tucker, manager, Garfield; Harb Eckols, manager, Seguin; Shawna Elliott, general manager, Austin; Lynn Kirtz, manager, Hearne; Kevin Piper, manager, service department.
43 Oklahoma Liquefied
Gas Co.
P.O. Box 112 – Seminole, OK 74818-0112
Phone: 405.382-3356 – Fax: 405.382-7389
E-mail: kengreen@olgpropane.com
Web site: www.olgpropane.com
Founded: 1937
Owner: Kenneth R. Green
Outlets: 11
States: 1
Customers: 11,310
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 7,556,300
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 315,787
Employees: 40
Bobtails: 16
Transports: 5
Storage: 720,000 gallons
Acquisitions: 1
Gallons acquired: 430,000
Fiscal year ends: 6-30-01
Officers: Kenneth R. Green, president; Greg Thompson, vice president; Karen Green, secretary.
Operations Personnel: George Winters, Ricky Reed, Jim Smith, Ed Welton, Rick Foster, managers.
44 Superior Gas Inc. (Group)
P.O. Box 308 – Roanoke, AL 36274
Phone: 334.863-2138 – Fax: 334.863-4950
Founded: 1948
Owners: Rainer family
Outlets: 12
States: 2
Customers: 22,384
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 7,456,646
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 76
Bobtails: 31
Transports: 4
Storage: 1,246,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 1-31-01
Officers: Jamie Rainer III, president; Anne Montgomery, secretary; Frank Muncy, vice president and general manager.
Operations Personnel: Deke Foy, controller.
45 Cooperative Propane Inc.
P.O. Box 878 – Andalusia, AL 36420
Phone: 334.428-2342 – Fax: 334.222-2331
E-mail: benny.gay@powersouth.com
Web site: www.cooperativepropane.com
Founded: 1948
Owner: Cooperative Services Inc.
Outlets: 12
States: 2
Customers: 17,040
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 7,448,981
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 85
Bobtails: 31
Transports: 5
Storage: 1,168,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 12-31-01
Officers: Benny Gay, general manager.
Operations Personnel: David Marcum, controller; Joe Moorer, operations manager; Joel Guy and Jeffrey Howell, area managers.
46 Suburban Gas Inc.
2800 Dartmouth Ave. – Bessemer, AL 35020
Phone: 205.424-0660 – Fax: 205.424-0667
E-mail: sugas@suburban-equipment.com
Founded: 1937
Owners: Rooney and Hughes families
Outlets: 6
States: 1
Customers: 15,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 6,231,542
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 50
Bobtails: 20
Transports: 3
Storage: 700,000 gallons
Acquisitions -0-
Fiscal year ends: 6-30-01
Officers: Ralph N. Rooney, president; Frank C. Hughes, secretary-treasurer.
Operations Personnel: Bill Mayo, regional manager; Ralph N. Rooney Jr., Bill Mayo, Dorothy Wilcox, Nancy Lee and Jerry Wood, branch managers.
47 Enderby Gas Inc.
(dba Bishop Energy)
P.O. Drawer 717
Gainesville, TX 76241-0717
Phone: 940.665-3457 – Fax: 940.665-8484
E-mail: jim@enderbygas.com
Web site: www.enderbygas.com
Founded: 1945
Owner: Jim Bishop
Outlets: 5
States: 2
Customers: 10,400
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 6,034,305
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 14,375,665
Employees: 60
Bobtails: 17
Transports: 15
Storage: 572,000 gallons
Acquisitions: N/A
Fiscal year ends: 8-31-01
Officers: Jim Bishop, president; Kenneth Bishop, secretary-treasurer; Betty Jarrell, assistant secretary-treasurer.
Operations Personnel: Max Eubanks, manager of distribution-supply, Bishop Energy; B. B. Reedy, North Texas area manager; Homer Dye, Central Texas area manager; Ronnie Clough, branch manager; Guy Bright, branch manager.
48 Little River Corp./Ellco Industries Inc.
P.O. Box 2188 – Gastonia, NC 28053
Phone: 704.867-1291 – Fax: 704.867-5566
E-mail: ellco@connectu.net
Founded: 1940
Owners: Lowie family
Outlets: 7
States: 2
Customers: 11,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 4,967,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 58
Bobtails: 20
Transports: -0-
Storage: 270,000 gallons
Fiscal year ends: 3-31-01
Officers: N.B. Lowie, chief executive officer and president; G.E. Walton, vice president and secretary-treasurer; D.J. Mills, assistant secretary/treasurer.
Operations Personnel: Diane J. Mills, operations manager, LRC/Ellco; John Norwood, general manager, LRC; Kenneth Perdue, Robin James, Charles Odom, Bobby Wood, Deborah Beddingfield, branch managers; Barbara Preddy, office manager.
49 Linden’s Propane Inc.
14219 LaGrange Rd. – LaGrange, OH 44050
Phone: 440.458-5155 – Fax: 440.458-5157
Founded: 1958
Owners: Phil and Holly Linden
Outlets: 2
States: 1
Customers: 6,500
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 5,615,732
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 12
Bobtails: 7
Transports: 2
Plants: 1
Storage: 180,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 8-31-01
Officers: Phil Linden, president; Holly Linden, secretary-treasurer.
50 Burkardt’s L. P. Gas
12420 W. Penn Rd. – Polo, IL 61064
Phone: 815.946-3081 – Fax: 815.946-4031
E-mail: bburkardt@cin.net
Founded: 1982
Owners: Bill and Beverly Burkardt
Outlets: 1
States: 1
Customers: 3,500
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 4,936,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 157,000
Employees: 10
Bobtails: 7
Transports: -0-
Storage: 180,000 gallons
Fiscal year ending: 9-30-01
Officers: Bill Burkardt, president, general manager, dispatcher; Beverly Burkardt, secretary/treasurer, office manager, director of supply acquisition.
Operations Personnel: Mike Faivre, service manager, supplies purchasing.
51 Hamilton Energy
P.O. Box 186 – Hamilton, MI 49419
Phone: 616.751-1035 – Fax: 616-751-1076
E-mail: pschut@hfb.com
Web site: myhamiltonenergy.com
Founded: 1993
Owners: Hamilton Farm Bureau
Outlets: 2
States: 1
Customers: 4,800
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 4,800,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: -0-
Employees: 11
Bobtails: 6
Transports: -0-
Storage: 90,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 12-31-01
Officers: Dave Steenstra, chief executive officer; Bob Fenton, chief operating officer; Harvey Elgerswig, chief financial officer.
Operations Personnel: Pam Schut, division manager; Joe Mills, sales and service center manager.
52 Thompson Gas
P.O. Box 158 – Boonsboro, MD 21713
Phone: 301.432-6611 – Fax: 301.432-7147
E-mail: rthomp@thompsongas.com
Web site: www.thompsongas.com
Founded: 1946
Owner: Lloyd Thompson
Outlets: 4
States: 5
Customers: 18,300
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 4,500,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 250,000
Employees: 75
Bobtails: 10
Transports: -0-
Storage: 310,000 gallons
Acquisitions: -0-
Fiscal year ends: 6-30-01
Officers: J. Randall Thompson, president and chief executive officer; G. Jeffrey Kerns, vice president and chief financial officer; James G. Thompson, secretary/treasurer.
Operations Personnel: Doug Logan, LP division manager.
53 TenBrook Sales Inc.
P.O. Box 887 – Kokomo, IN 46903-0887
Phone: 765.459-3141 – Fax: 765.459-3144
E-mail: brooklp@iquest.net
Founded: 1938
Owners: Don TenBrook, Jeff TenBrook, Jerry TenBrook, Forrest Fernung
Outlets: 4
States: 1
Customers: 3,500
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 2,906,240
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons: 716,765
Employees: 23
Bobtails: 6
Transports: 1
Storage: 165,000 gallons
Acquisitions: N/A
Fiscal year ends: 12-31-01
Officers: Don TenBrook, president; Jeff TenBrook, secretary; Forrest Fernung, vice president; Jerry TenBrook, treasurer.
Operations Personnel: Jeff TenBrook, general manager; Dan TenBrook, compliance/dispatch; Bill Bassett, propane sales; Craig Marschand, HVAC sales and service manager; Vivian Heronemus, comptroller; Rick Carlile, LP/compliance; and Regina Marr, credit manager.
54 Elkhorn Propane
608 Kinzua Road – Warren, PA 16365
Phone: 814.723-4390 – Fax: 814.723-2890
Founded: 1989
Owner: Thomas H. Rinehart
Outlets: 1
States: 2
Customers: 3,000
2001 fiscal year retail gallons: 1,900,000
2001 fiscal year wholesale gallons sold: 8,500,000
Employees: 7
Bobtails: 4
Transports: -0-
Storage: 90,000 gallons
Fiscal year ends: 12-31-01
Officers: Jack L. Bentley, president.
Operations Personnel: Jeff Gazdak, area manager; Chris Briggs, office manager.