Robertshaw Industrial Products

August 1, 2003 By    

Robertshaw’s long history of innovation started in 1904 with the invention of a seamless metal bellows that led to the first home and auto thermostats. Today, Robertshaw products—including level controls, vibration monitors and switches, controllers, control valves, and self-actuated regulators—are used worldwide across a broad range of industries.

It’s simple really.

Here’s you. Here’s your tank. Here’s the refill truck.

It’s most convenient and cost-efficient if C arrives when B is almost, but not quite, empty. But how do you, A, do that without checking the tank every day/week/whatever?

Enter D, a.k.a. Centeron.

Using state-of-the-art technology, the Centeron Wireless Tank Monitoring System gives you the level info you need, when you need it, to effectively manage your business.

So you, A, save time and money.

Developed by Robertshaw Industrial Products, Centeron’s advanced tank monitoring system gives you the ability to forecast usage and prioritize deliveries, optimize truck loading, and reduce emergency fills and fleet size. The monitor, controller and data center combine to give you up-to-date information on all your tanks.

Gone are the costly days of unnecessary stops or emergency fill-ups. Centeron is the best way to take control and manage your business better.

It’s smart. Centeron takes the guesswork out of managing inventories. It tells you when to fill your tanks, via e-mail, fax, text messaging or the Internet,
whenever you need it.

It’s easy. You don’t need any special tools or technical know-how to install the monitor and a controller. Centeron transmits level signals to
the data center for you to easily access detailed information on tank levels and to help you optimize distribution.

It’s powerful. Centeron is the most powerful wireless monitoring system available. Its robust radio technology means you get accurate data when you need it.

It’s reliable. The advanced wireless radio link gets your tank monitoring data through even the harshest environments. Our sensor technologies have years of proven reliability in the field, and the long battery life eliminates worry of frequent replacements.

It’s proven. A recent pilot program, implemented during the winter of 2002/2003, proved that Centeron’s wireless tank monitoring works. The pilot program resulted in a 41 percent average increase in gallons delivered per delivery. Meaning use of Centeron resulted in broad, cost-saving efficiencies.

More information is on our Web site,


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