LPG Spotlight: Gas House Propane

Gas House Propane promotes its new logo on its bobtails. (Photo by Scott Zura)
Scott Klein is passionate about sharing propane’s story.
Klein owns Gas House Propane, which serves residential, industrial and commercial customers throughout Greater Cleveland and northeast Ohio. The company recently executed a major brand overhaul to promote propane’s clean-burning properties.
As the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) launched its “Energy for Everyone” campaign in 2021, Klein felt inclined to also modernize his company’s messaging to convey propane’s place in the environment.
Revamped logo
One aspect of Gas House Propane’s rebranding was a new logo. The company changed its logo colors from red and blue to blue, yellow and green.
Klein says PERC’s redesigned logo served as inspiration for the new Gas House Propane logo. Along with displaying the company’s new logo, Gas House Propane also promotes the PERC logo and plans to incorporate it on its bobtails, tanks and more, to continue to convey the environmental message to customers.
“That’s why we revamped our logo,” Klein says. “We’re using [PERC’s] ‘Energy for Everyone’ logo on our website. We’re going to start putting it on our trucks, tanks and whatnot and just do a total rebranding.”
Updated website
Gas House Propane revamped its website this year. In addition to an overall modern look, the company’s homepage menu features a page dubbed “Green” that provides an overview of propane’s environmental benefits.
The page features educational videos on both traditional and renewable propane as they relate to the environment, PERC’s environmental fact sheet and a variety of other resources for customers.
A retailer’s responsibility
For now, Ohio is not experiencing the same electric-only push as states such as New York and California. But Klein says it’s important to get out in front before it becomes increasingly difficult to do so.
While the company has yet to offer renewable propane to customers, Klein sees it as a great opportunity for the industry to secure its place in the energy conversation, and he’d like to offer the fuel once feasible.
For now, though, Gas House Propane continues to push out the “clean energy” message surrounding propane – traditional and renewable – to its customers.
Most customers’ top concern is that their fuel is delivered on time and ready when they need it, Klein says, but sharing propane’s environmental story will only create happier end users.
On the contrary, Klein says, pushing that story to legislators is where the industry may face challenges, but raising awareness among the public will help the cause – and he is eager to do his part.
“It’s going to be somewhat of an uphill battle reaching out to some legislators and showing them that they can’t just consider electricity,” Klein says. “It’s important that [retailers] go out to market and show people we can do renewable and we are clean burning as opposed to some other different types of energy. We just have to make that message clear and get it out there.”
Company profile: Gas House Propane
Year founded // 1948
Founder // Benjamin Klein & Spencer Klein
Owner // Scott Klein
Headquarters // Walton Hills, Ohio
Vehicles in fleet // 6
Website // gashousepropane.com