MarkWest Liberty NGL Pipeline announces binding open season

September 14, 2018 By    

MarkWest Liberty NGL Pipeline LLC, a subsidiary of MPLX LP, launched a binding open season to solicit commitments from potential shippers for a new pipeline.

The company plans to construct the pipeline to serve the growing needs of Appalachian producers. Once complete, the pipeline will provide transportation services of natural gas liquids, including propane, normal butane, isobutane, pentanes and higher molecular-weight hydrocarbons. These products will come from natural gas processing plants in West Virginia and Pennsylvania and will be transported to fractionation facilities in Ohio and Pennsylvania, the company says.

Shippers making long-term commitments to the project during the open season will be eligible to receive firm service for their committed volumes. The binding open season will close on Oct. 12.

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About the Author:

Clara Richter was a managing editor at LP Gas magazine.

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