MEC develops adapter for regulator vent kit
The MEP960 vent adapter by Marshall Excelsior Co. (MEC) allows universal installation of the ME960 series flex vent kits into the 3/8-in. FNPT vent port of the MEC Excela-Flow compact regulators. The MEC flex vent disperses vapors from LP gas regulators away from openings, sources of ignition or other potential fire hazards. The products meet all requirements of the flexible material allowance in the 2017 NFPA 58, section (4), the company says. The ME960 series flex vent features a hose constructed of flexible, UV-stable PVC material suitable for use with LP gas vapor; a 3/4-in. NPT swivel inlet for easy installation; and a standard 90-degree vent assembly with screen and crimped ends for durability. Mounting clamps and coated masonry screws are supplied.

Photo courtesy of Marshall Excelsior Co.