MEC develops light commercial regulators

June 3, 2020 By    

MEGR-1622C series light commercial regulators by Marshall Excelsior Co. (MEC) are designed to reduce outlet pressures from first-stage regulators in light commercial and industrial applications. All MEC second-stage regulators are green to indicate low output pressure. MEGR-1622C units with a higher output 12- to 24-in. WC range are indicated with a yellow bonnet adjustment cap. Second-stage full-size regulator vents have 0.75-in. FNPT tapped ports and MEC’s E-Z grip screen located over the inlet. The MEGR-1622C series regulators feature a stainless steel inlet filter screen to prevent debris from passing through the regulator and affecting sealing performance. The MEGR-1622C series regulators also offer relief performance that exceeds UL test requirements, providing double failure overpressure protection when used in conjunction with MEC MEGR-1122H or MEGR-1622H series first-stage regulators.

Photo courtesy of Marshall Excelsior Co. _ MEC _light commercial regulator

Photo courtesy of Marshall Excelsior Co.

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