PERC approves funding requests at meeting in Atlanta

April 30, 2014 By    

The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) approved the following funding requests during its April meeting in Atlanta, ahead of the Southeastern Convention & International Propane Expo, with the principal contractor in parenthesis.

■ $461,252 for a 2014 workforce training initiative, which supports and maintains programs for the propane industry, anticipates training needs and creates new programs (Dashe & Thomson).

■ $324,229 for first responder training and conferences (International Association of Fire Chiefs)

■ $188,000 (change order) for propane irrigation market development in California (Eidson and Partners). The project will validate the performance, economics, durability and emissions of the engines and encourage buy-in and support from California air pollution control districts for future efforts. The council had approved $191,500 for the project in October 2013.

■ $60,000 for a California Air Resources Board certification roadmap 2014, which would clarify expectations for vehicle certification; help ensure propane is recognized in the California fuels marketplace; and serve as a contact for PERC partners seeking regulatory recognition (Dunlap Group).

The council will next meet on July 16-17 in Santa Fe, N.M.

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