PERC approves funding requests during conference call
The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) approved the following projects from its consent calendar during a February conference call, with the principal contractor in parenthesis where applicable:
• $416,000 for professional and support services, providing PERC with technical knowledge and expertise, and implementation support of new products and market opportunities.
• $198,200 for a project that will update the Dispensing Propane Safely employee training program (Logica3).
• $50,000 for the continuation of the Carbon Management Information Center Consortium program. It is intended to provide information on the beneficial role propane plays compared to electric and oil options (Carbon Management Information Center).
• $13,000 for a project that will determine the effects of U.S. and California greenhouse gas policy decisions on the propane industry, specifically propane as a transportation fuel or for electricity production (Western Propane Education & Research Council).
• $10,000 to help the State of Vermont Hazmat Response Team construct a propane emergency response trailer that it will own, maintain and use to respond to propane situations in Vermont (New England Propane Foundation).
• $2,506.46 for travel reimbursement for PERC and industry meetings (North Carolina Propane Foundation).
In addition to the consent calendar, PERC approved a $600,000 funding request for a direct-injection on-road vehicle engine project during the February meeting.
PERC is scheduled to meet April 10 in Atlanta, ahead of the Southeastern Convention & International Propane Expo.