PIRA Energy Group studies NGL supply growth

September 29, 2015 By    

PIRA Energy Group, an energy market analysis firm, released a study called “The Global Impact of NGL Supply Growth: PIRA’s Comprehensive Outlook to 2035.”

PIRA reports the North American shale revolution created a surge in NGL production. Substantial growth in ethane and LP gas is set to continue, despite current weak oil prices, affecting markets worldwide and capturing demand in North America, Europe and Asia.

In the total view of NGLs, PIRA’s study provides an analysis of the United States, Canada and other key producing regions, such as the Middle East and the Former Soviet Union. According to PIRA, its by-country analysis of the NGL upstream sector considers access to project funding, government sanctions and supports, internal markets and the impact of recent low oil prices.

The study brings together the key supply and demand and trade trends for each major region and major producing country. PIRA released a detailed overview of the study online.

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