Prominent propane conventions in 1941

April 4, 2016 By    

More than 400 attend 11th annual convention

As the propane industry looks forward to the National Propane Gas Association’s (NPGA) Southeastern Convention & International Propane Expo in April, LP Gas magazine takes a look back at how the industry handled trade shows and conventions 75 years ago, during the magazine’s inaugural year.

NPGA was known as the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association (LPGA) in 1941. LPGA hosted its 11th annual convention in February at the Palmer House in Chicago, where more than 400 propane distributors and dealers attended. Similar to today’s Southeastern Convention, the show featured educational sessions and an exhibit hall for attendees to check out popular propane appliances and equipment.

That September, LPGA met again at the Palmer House in Chicago to discuss priority problems facing the propane industry. George W. Bach, LPGA president and employee at Skelly Oil Co., led the meeting sessions.

Section meetings connect the industry in 1941

Even in the propane industry’s early days, the national association had its own regional associations, which gathered for their own trade shows, conventions and meetings.

In January, about 200 LPGA members gathered for the Eastern Section LPGA meeting at the Park Central Hotel in New York City. The two-day sessions included discussions on industry papers.

“If government regulation ever comes, it will be the result of disregard by a few for the safety and comfort of the public.” – C.C. Turner of Utilities Distributors Inc. in Maine, presenting on the desirable attributes for servicemen in the propane industry at the Eastern Section LPGA meeting.

  • The West also had its own association in the propane industry in 1941. The Pacific Coast Section LPGA hosted its second annual convention in June at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco. Fire demonstrations were conducted with the help of the San Francisco Fire Department to show attendees how to extinguish and control a propane fire. “No LP gas producer, plant man or distributor and dealer in fuel or appliances, as well as installers thereof can afford to be at home on these [show] dates.” – Charles E. McCartney, chairman of the Pacific Coast Section LPGA, inviting members to the convention.
  • More than 300 industry members attended the Southern Section LPGA convention in April at the Roosevelt Hotel in New Orleans.
  • Time for fun and games: Eastern Section LPGA members knew how to have fun amidst their routine business. During one of the association’s meetings, members participated in a softball tournament after discussing matters in the propane industry.

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