Propane Expo opening speaker shares on the need for ‘wingmen’

April 13, 2015 By    
Waldman at Southeastern Convention opening session, 600x400

Lt. Col. Rob “Waldo” Waldman is a businessman and former F-16 fighter pilot.

Lt. Col. Rob “Waldo” Waldman opened the National Propane Gas Association‘s Southeastern Convention & International Propane Expo general session April 11 by sharing his knowledge on how businesses can build trust.

Waldman, a businessman and former F-16 fighter pilot, shared his experiences from military and how they relate to business. Waldman said he has always been afraid of heights. He had passion for planes and flying, though, so he overcame his fear during his time in the military with some help from his “wingmen,” people he knew had his back.

He believes the way to build trust in a business lies in wingmen – people who can check for blind spots in the industry.

Waldman said it’s important to commit to excellence, mission and team in the military. He said this concept also applies to businesses.

“Your job as propane marketers is to win the business, not just survive,” he said. “We have a choice to push it up or stay back. We know the answer is we gotta push it up. We can’t just ease up the moment we know we’re doing well. That’s complacency, and it kills business plans and relationships.”

The exhibit hall opened after Waldman’s presentation, where attendees gathered for a two-hour reception.

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