
July 1, 2008 By    

The propane industry has targeted 2010 as the year the agricultural industry recognizes propane as the preferred energy source.

       Retailers and farmers rate propane attributes. (©
Retailers and farmers rate propane attributes. (©

About 80 percent of farms in the United States use propane because of its environmental and economic benefits, according to a Propane Education & Research Council fact sheet published about two years ago.

To promote propane in the agricultural sector, a group of propane and agricultural leaders have identified the activities with the brightest future for the agricultural industry.

Key Propane Attributes Important in Agriculture
Key Propane Attributes Important in Agriculture

These activities are thermal agriculture, crop/food conditioning, power and nutrient management.

Thermal agriculture involves research and development of equipment to control pests such as weeds, insects and dangerous pathogens that could have a negative affect on the production of agricultural commodities.

Crop/food conditioning research develops technologies that protect or enhance agricultural commodities through harvesting, processing and storage.

Propane Use in Agricultural Operations
Propane Use in Agricultural Operations

Power activities focus on the validation and demonstration of power generation technologies for agricultural uses. Investments are made in engines, fuel cells and microturbines.

Agriculture Annual Propane Expenditures
Agriculture Annual Propane Expenditures

Nutrient management research develops technologies that help farmers dispose of or remediate waste materials.

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