Propane shortage prompts state of emergency in Arizona
Gov. Janice Brewer, R-Ariz., declared a state of emergency for her state Jan. 11 because of severe winter storm conditions this month and a related propane shortage.
According to the declaration Brewer issued, private-sector efforts to respond to the propane shortage have been stymied by hours of service regulations that limit the number of hours truckers who supply propane can work. As part of the declaration, Brewer has suspended those regulations for 15 days so any vehicle supplying propane in Arizona is not affected.
In addition, the Arizona-Republic reports that state law allows propane transportation only during daylight hours. The declaration is allowing for propane delivery in evening hours.
On Jan. 15, Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval also declared a state of emergency as a “precautionary measure” to allow more propane deliveries in the state, the Associated Press reported. Record low temperatures below zero have gripped some parts of the state. New Mexico has exercised the same option to allow more propane deliveries in the state.