If there is one thing that’s certain in business, it’s uncertainty.” -Stephen Covey
We work in an industry that is influenced by a number of external factors. There is growing concern how the industry will sustain each Winter, especially since 2013/14. Ever since that winter, the One-Tank team has participated in many industry board meetings, committee meetings, and various events across the country. A common thread through each of those meetings has been the question “what are we going to do to ensure something like this never happens again?” Price spikes, supply shortages, run outs, short fills, and long terminal wait lines have plagued the industry for years.
With much of our leadership being comprised of current or former propane marketers (1200+ combined years of experience), and 20 years in tank monitoring, we listened, leaned on that experience, and created a solution to address these uncertainties.
One-Tank is the industry’s first field storage and monitoring solution for propane marketers. Designed to help leverage unused storage in existing field tanks, the One-Tank system enables propane marketers to fill tanks when prices are low, avoid dramatic winter price spikes, and protect their business and their customers from unexpected supply interruptions.
Don’t get us wrong, tank monitoring is a very important piece of the puzzle. But that’s just it, it is one piece to a larger puzzle! With our patented technology, each tank can be transformed from just being “monitored” to “metered.” At the push of a button, your customer can pay for fuel consumed, just as they pay for other utility bills. This provides the propane marketer control of that tank. The key to a successful metered billing solution is our patented temperature compensation method. This unique algorithm enables dealers to pivot away from relying solely on bulk storage and last minute deliveries, and instead filling tanks before peak season pitfalls and dangerous road conditions occur.
Propane demand increases disproportionately during the winter months, placing extreme stress on industry infrastructure. To sustain supply, distributors need a better way to spread demand more evenly throughout the year. One-Tank allows you to move fuel to where it’s needed, before it’s needed. By accessing unused field storage and offering customers metered billing based on their actual usage, you can transform your operating model. Instead of being at the mercy of industry pitfalls or the status of the customers wallet, you can proactively address your customers’ fuel needs. Consumers will stay warm with a seamless supply of fuel, and you can fill the tank when it is most profitable for you.
Powered by the all new SkyTracker Unlimited tank monitors, One-Tank remotely tracks the levels and usage of each tank, while providing you with the power to fill those tanks before those inopportune moments occur.
SkyTracker Unlimited is a plug-and-play solution that takes less than two minutes to set up using the all new SkyTracker Unlimited tank monitors. Installation is an easy, three-step process:
- Place the SkyTracker on the tank using the securing magnets
- Plug the connector into the dial
- Swipe to activate
Once the SkyTracker is set up, it begins transmitting tank data reliably and securely via cellular or satellite technology. The data can be accessed easily from anywhere in the world using an app, or any internet-enabled device (laptop, tablet, smart phone, or desktop computer).
One-Tank is approved by National Measurement Standards for application by each State’s Division of Weights and Measures. The product consumed is to be reconciled with the bobtail or transport temperature-compensated metered ticket at least once per year by the distributor’s accounting department or their third-party accounting provider. Third-party accounting platforms can be integrated with the One-Tank API to automate customer invoicing and accounting.
One-Tank gives you the power to build a smarter, more growth-oriented business that isn’t negatively impacted by weather, seasonal prices, public health concerns, or natural disasters. Thanks to our temperature compensation method, the dealer retains ownership of the fuel until it is consumed, which enables you to fill tanks when demand (and price) is low, bill at Winter rates when product is used, and deliver more gallons per mile driven.
- Fill tanks during warm weather when roads are clear, and prices are low
- Create year-round propane availability
- Generate consistent monthly revenue
- Get up to double the ROI over degree-day delivery
- Create year-round work to keep drivers employed
- Eliminate driver overtime during peak season
- Use tank data to build more efficient delivery routes
- Reduce unnecessary wear-and-tear on trucks
- Avoid Hours of Service waiver obstacles
Because metered billing isn’t widely available, the ability to offer this money-saving option to customers gives you a big competitive advantage over other propane marketers. Metered billing is attractive to customers because it delivers:
Branded Mobile App – End users can track their usage and connect with their fuel supplier using the One-Tank Mobile App.
Cost savings – Customers pay only for propane they use, at the rate of when it is consumed
Peace of mind – No more unexpected fuel outages and emergency callouts
Protection against the unforeseen – Their propane supply won’t be impacted by harsh weather or other events
Early insight into tank issues – Alerts about unusual tank activity identify abnormal usage patterns, so they can be caught early and addressed
How much One-Tank storage do you have? Find out here!
Want to learn more? We would love to speak with you! Schedule a demo with us today!
One-Tank’s monitoring and metering systems are affordable, reliable, and profitable. Reserve yours today at www.one-tank.com.
Header image: One-Tank
This page was produced by North Coast Media’s content marketing staff in collaboration with One-Tank. NCM Content Marketing connects marketers to audiences and delivers industry trends, business tips and product information. The LP Gas editorial staff did not create this content.