Tank Utility business development manager named among young innovators
Rajathurai Nagarajah, business development manager at Tank Utility, was named on BostInno‘s “25 under 25” list, a compilation of 25 innovators in the Boston area who are 25 years old or younger.
As business development manager, Nagarajah spearheads new business opportunities with fuel suppliers, consulting on technology and delivery best practices that have saved customers tens of thousands of dollars annually, the company reports.
Nagarajah started at Tank Utility as an intern and was promoted to its first business development role, where he broke the company’s record for most sales in a quarter, achieving 390 percent of his quota, BostInno reports. According to Tank Utility, Nagarajah spreads awareness for data-driven tank monitoring and its impact on delivery efficiency.
*Featured image: iStock.com/arthobbit