Technology assists propane personnel with safety documentation
Let’s face it: Providing service in the propane industry is difficult.
Schedules are hectic, technicians don’t love paperwork, and there’s never enough time for training. These barriers result in a shocking error rate in propane safety documentation. Getting back to the job site to correct errors is also a huge challenge. So how do you ensure your technicians get the job done right the first time?
Provide better tools for technicians
By using technology for entry of critical safety documentation, you can:
- Provide clarification and guidance on desired information within form fields.
- Reduce error rate by providing multiple-choice answers instead of blank write-in fields.
- Warn technicians in real time if information is incomplete or if critical operating tests do not meet NFPA code requirements.
Provide better tools for management
Technology allows your management team to:
- Review inspections in real time and provide your field technicians with immediate feedback.
- Put together reporting that specifically identifies individual training opportunities for employees.
Use photo documentation
Photo documentation is critical for three reasons:
- Documenting that your tank set is NFPA 58 compliant. If there is a catastrophic incident and your word is put up against the homeowner’s, that is a horrible place to be.
- In the instance that your original tank set is NFPA 58 compliant, but the homeowner makes a modification that puts the tank set out of compliance, you have documentation that it was compliant when you installed it.
- It provides detailed, visual information for training purposes, which can help you to offer feedback and coaching immediately.
Insurance companies also love photo documentation.
Alex Burns is the vice president of the P3 Compliance System division of P3 Propane Safety. Reach her at