Women in Propane Council names 2019 leadership
The Women in Propane Council (WIP) named its 2019 leadership team.
Laurie Irish Jones, CEO of Irish Carbonic & Propane in Buffalo, New York, will continue her two-year term as chair of WIP. The executive board will include Irish Jones; Brilynn Johnson, regional sales and marketing director for AmeriGas; Milissa Lord, vice president of A.R.M. Solutions; and Jennifer Jackson, Mid-Atlantic region vice president of ThompsonGas. Johnson will serve as vice chair, Lord as treasurer and Jackson as manager of the WIP Knowledge Exchange. Nancy Coop of Ferrellgas will serve as ex-officio board member.
The remainder of the leadership team will consist of:
- Chair, programs and events: Katie Price, executive assistant to the operations vice president, western region, AmeriGas
- Chair, membership: Jamie Fargnoli, office manager/CSR, Ehrhart Energy
- Co-chair, communications and marketing: Kimmie Marler, east region customer service manager, ThompsonGas
- Co-chair, communications and marketing: Greg Wasson, marketing director, Irish Propane
- Co-chair, finance: Whitney O’Toole, director of client success, A.R.M. Solutions
“This past year has been dynamic and set the table for the next level in the council’s growth,” Irish Jones says. “Workforce development and leadership training is expanding across the country through Women in Propane programs. Our inspirational leadership team is increasing workforce success.”
*Featured image: iStock.com/arthobbit