PERC names director of budget, finance

November 9, 2016 By    
PERC adds Michael Eason as its director of budget, finance


The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) added Michael Eason to its staff to serve as its director of budget and finance.

In this new position, Eason will provide support to PERC’s annual budgeting, financial planning and accounting. According to PERC, he will establish the guidelines for budget and forecast preparation, prepare the annual budget for publication and oversee the audit process.

Eason will replace Jim Harris in this position. Harris plans to retire at the end of 2016 after 11 years as PERC’s CFO and vice president of administration, the council adds.

Prior to this position, Eason worked at Intelligent Transportation Society of America for three years as its CFO. Previously, he worked for the Association of Fundraising Professionals for five years as CFO and for the American Chemistry Council for seven years as its controller.

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