2017 LP Gas Rising Leader: Mark Delehanty
Vitals: Age 40; owner and president of Independence Propane in Green Lane, Pennsylvania
Years in the propane industry: 20
Please describe your role and responsibility, as well as your vision, in growing your company and connecting with propane customers of today: As the owner of a small propane company, I have many responsibilities. I would like to continue to grow through both traditional customer types, as well as new avenues such as autogas and mowers. We utilize all modern types of communication such as the internet, email and Facebook, as well as more traditional means such as telephone and personal visits.
Propane industry opportunities and threats: We have a domestic fuel that is versatile and clean. We need to continue to convey that message. … Lack of workforce; regulations; and natural gas expansion [as threats].
How then can the propane industry prosper in the coming years? The industry needs to continue to be active in its marketing of our product. Although we should continue to attack unreasonable natural gas expansion, we need to also focus on our niche market of more rural customers. There is a lot of fuel oil consumed for space heating and hot water, and we have a cost-effective and environmentally clean alternative. We need to continue to evolve by staying on the cutting edge with technology. We also need to recruit and retain good employees. Our industry has much to offer as a career.
What does your generation offer to the propane industry that previous generations did not? Every generation brings new ideas to the table and that all active generations have something to offer. Our industry has always been open to new ideas and has made great efforts to implement them (i.e. PERC, autogas round one and two, and mowers). As long as there are great people willing to give their time and energy to the industry, as well as work together, it will continue to thrive.
What technologies are you using (or plan to use) to support business operations? Mobile technology for trucks, more web-based customer interactions.