2021 LP Gas Growth Summit begins in Florida
The LP Gas Growth Summit returns this year, bringing together propane marketers from across the country and industry partners providing equipment and services.
The Growth Summit runs from Sept. 15-17 at Reunion Resort, outside Orlando, Florida.
LP Gas launched the Growth Summit in 2015 as a new avenue for propane industry members to form partnerships that help them expand into both traditional and new markets, as well as increase their operational efficiencies in serving a variety of customers. The annual event did not take place in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
This year, representatives from about 20 retail propane companies and 14 industry partners – totaling about 70 attendees – are gathering in Florida for a variety of one-on-one business meetings, and other educational and networking opportunities. Steve Whaley, the director of autogas business development at the Propane Education & Research Council, is serving as the featured speaker.
Partners meeting with propane marketers this year are ADD Systems, Anova, Blue Cow Software, Cargas, Gray, Gray & Gray, Hiab, IPS, Legacy Energy Consulting, Metsa, Otodata, Propane Management Systems, Roush CleanTech, Tankfarm and Tiger Payment Solutions.
“Our team is extremely excited for our 2021 LP Gas Growth Summit,” says LP Gas Publisher Brian Kanaba. “Today, building propane partnerships is critical. Our LP Gas Growth Summit provides this unique opportunity and so much more. We are honored to host this year’s propane marketer attendees and partners at what will be another successful Summit.”