Alternative fuel vehicle bill to encourage autogas growth
Sens. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., and Ron Wyden, D-Ore., introduced legislation to promote a more diverse mix of transportation fuels, cut consumer costs and reduce the nation’s dependence on oil in the transportation sector. The bill, named the Alternative Fueled Vehicles Competitiveness and Energy Security Act of 2013, would provide funding for manufacturers of vehicles using propane autogas, as well as natural gas, electricity, biofuels and hydrogen. In addition, the bill would expand existing Department of Energy loan programs to support vehicle technologies and infrastructure growth.
The bill encourages public-private partnerships by providing technical assistance to state and local governments for alternative fuel vehicle deployment and the building of related infrastructure. The bill also provides grants to community colleges and higher-education institutions to establish training programs for a next-generation workforce to manufacture, install and maintain a growing alternative fuel vehicle fleet and refueling infrastructure.