April 2022: Propane sales by end-use sectors
Each month, LP Gas provides updates on the U.S. propane market, as well as the latest trends. The data for April 2022 reviews the end-use sectors in the 2020 Annual Retail Propane Sales Report from Frost & Sullivan and the Propane Education & Research Council.
Stock information for Ferrellgas and Suburban Propane is also provided.
Summary Information of Total U.S. 2020 Retail
Category | Residential | Commercial | Industrial (Non-forklift) |
Agriculture | Cylinder Market |
Internal Combustion |
Total Sales |
Propane sold (Mn gallons) | 5,086 | 2,198 | 263 | 978 | 326 | 589 | 9,440 |
Total accounts | 12,280,081 | 1,123,672 | 124,414 | 440,726 | 319,526 | 236,592 | 14,525,010 |
Gallons per account | 414 | 1,956 | 2,111 | 2,220 | 1,019 | 2,490 | 650 |
Sector share of total sales | 54% | 23% | 3% | 10% | 3% | 6% | 100% |
Source: Annual Retail Propane Sales Report (2020), Frost & Sullivan, Propane Education & Research Council
Commentary: This table shows total U.S. retail sales and the corresponding number of retail accounts and average gallons sold per account. In 2020, the survey indicated about 12.28 million total residential accounts and about 2.24 million propane accounts in the other sectors. The residential sector accounted for more than half of all retail propane gallon sales.
Source: Company data, FactSet and Wells Fargo Securities LLC (SPH); Yahoo Finance (FGPR)
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