August 2016: LP Gas PhotoDrop

August 26, 2016 By    

Check out a photo slideshow of some recent LP gas-related events, including a ride-along with United Landmark Propane.

  1. Joe Hupp, route manager at United Landmark Propane in Lancaster, Ohio, fills a tank at Kilbarger Bros. in Thornville, Ohio. LP Gas magazine digital media content producer Allison Barwacz toured the farm during a ride-along with Hupp.
  2. Tamera Kovacs of Propane Resources and her husband Dan couldn’t help but snap a few propane autogas-related pictures during a visit to Glacier National Park in Montana. They came across a red propane tour vehicle affixed with this logo.
  3. Georgia Gas Distributors says it wanted to show some American pride by participating in this July Fourth parade in Villa Rica, Ga. Its “NPR-Float” featured a 2015 Isuzu NPR-HD truck that runs on propane autogas or gasoline. The company partners with Campbell-Parnell on the propane autogas conversion system.
  4. Chesapeake Utilities Corp. and Sharp Energy Inc., its wholly-owned subsidiary, opened a new Sharp Energy headquarters building and autogas fueling station in Georgetown, Del. Here, President and CEO Michael P. McMasters cuts the ribbon at an event attended by state, local and company officials.
  5. LP Gas magazine account manager Ryan Gerard attended the Cleveland Cavaliers’ championship parade after the city won its first major professional sports title in more than 50 years. North Coast Media, LP Gas’ parent company, is based in downtown Cleveland.
  6. The Panama Canal Authority held an inauguration ceremony June 26 to commemorate the expanded canal. The first commercial passage of a liquefied petroleum gas vessel through the canal’s new locks followed June 27.

Photo by Allison Barwacz

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