Jennifer Webb
Posts by Jennifer Webb
Nearly 25 years ago, Congress passed legislation designed to boost propane’s presence, grow gallons and improve industry safety. Read more»
Jane Stroupe has had the kind of career that hardly seems possible anymore: Rising from a part-time clerk job at Piedmont Natural Gas with almost no knowledge of propane, almost... Read more»
The LP Gas Hall of Fame welcomed five inductees to the Class of 2014 during a dinner and awards ceremony on April 11 in Atlanta. They are Casey Jarvis (JARCO),... Read more»
Knowledge, relationships cited as key to growing retail, hospitality, restaurant and educational segments for the propane industry. Residential delivery of propane has been the bread and butter for the industry... Read more»
In an effort to improve efficiency and save fuel costs, Crittenden County School District won commonwealth approval to try a propane-fueled school bus. Read more»
As editor, publisher, advertising sales representative, photographer and designer of LP Gas Magazine, Ronald “Zane” Chastain did it all for 23 years. Read more»
LP Gas provides a profile on hall of fame inductee Eugene V.N. Bissell. Read more»
Homebuilders are struggling. In recent years, families have chosen to stay put, choosing smaller remodeling projects rather than building their dream home off the grid. The weak economy and foundering... Read more»
The black-and-white lines of the coloring book page look simple enough. Behind those uncomplicated images, however, lies a savvy marketing strategy that could draw new and future customers and position propane marketers as safe, dependable and community-friendly businesses. Read more»
James E. Ferrell has the kind of rags-to-riches success story that once epitomized the American experience. Read more»