Tom Jaenicke
Posts by Tom Jaenicke
Here is how to get involved with the environmental campaign from the Propane Education & Research Council to benefit your propane business. Read more»
According to Tom Jaenicke, the propane industry needs to work on recruiting and hiring employees who are seeking a career. Read more»
Advertising the reality that propane offers – cost savings, dependability and clean energy – is in a retailer’s best interest. Read more»
In the time of climate activism, there are several steps propane retailers can take to promote propane as a clean-energy solution. Read more»
Branding in the propane business is often overlooked, but research shows that the consistent presentation of a brand can increase revenue by 23 percent. Read more»
Renewable propane gas is becoming increasingly available in several parts of the country, and efforts are underway to bring it much deeper into the renewable energy marketplace. Read more»
While some priorities have shifted over the years, here are the longstanding advantages of propane that realtors need to hear more about. Read more»
As consumers emerge from the pandemic world in which they have lived for the past several months, many of their buying habits and expectations of doing business have changed. Read more»
Tom Jaenicke, VP of propane marketing services at Warm Thoughts Communications, explains why propane is the best choice for on-site energy. Read more»
Propane retailers should play offense and point out the weaknesses of an electric-only world versus a propane partnership with electricity. Read more»