Communication, engine projects receive PERC funding

September 2, 2020 By    

The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) approved the following funding requests during a virtual meeting in August:

  • $1.4 million for a corporate communications change order, the amount remaining in PERC’s 2020 approved budget – about half of which is planned for digital marketing.
  • $1.35 million for a propane-powered Type D passenger bus, part of a $6 million project that will launch in spring 2022. The project encompasses and includes the design and validation of the engine, fuel packaging into a new school bus platform and commercialization of the finished product.
  • $450,000 to certify and commercialize an ultra-low NOx 8.8-liter LPG engine, part of a $2.4 million project. Target markets include an IC school bus, terminal tractor, large material handlers and medium-duty trucks.
  • $274,000 for PERC co-funding and industry research through the Utilization Technology Development Consortium and the Carbon Management Information Center, and for updates to the Energy Planning Analysis Tool (EPAT). The Gas Technology Institute provides management and administration for the consortium. EPAT is useful for competitive education and positioning, PERC says.
  • $174,000 for safety and training program promotion.
  • $80,240 for the process of storing and identifying safety and training images from previous projects. PERC says COVID-19 has made on-site photoshoots impractical.
  • $32,000 for a “new concept state rebate funding request” from Pennsylvania for the GeneratioNext Propane Pros program, which connects students and energy professionals with prospective employers.
  • $15,787.06 for a “new concept state rebate funding request” from South Carolina for a “Be Pro Be Proud” workforce development sponsorship. The program utilizes mobile units to simulate a variety of skilled trades.
  • $6,000 for a “new concept state rebate funding request” from Pennsylvania to provide PERC consumer education campaign digital asset and tools training for marketers.

PERC tabled an $800,000 off-road market integrated outreach program. It focused on off-road small engine applications, with towable generators as a priority.

In other news, the council named Daniel Dixon of AmeriGas as its new chairman.

Here’s a look at PERC’s 2021 proposed budget, which PERC President and CEO Tucker Perkins says is undergoing revisions and will look different in November when the council meets Nov. 10-11.

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About the Author:

Brian Richesson is the editor in chief of LP Gas Magazine. Contact him at or 216-706-3748.

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