Consider these factors before entering the autogas market
Q: What does a company need to know before it enters the propane autogas market?
In order for propane autogas to become a better known and more widely used vehicle fuel, the market must expand. As a propane retailer, it’s a logical fit. Before you jump into the autogas market, here are a few things to consider:
⦁ Your service area must be made aware of autogas’ benefits. Value, price, positive effects and environmental benefits are all great selling points.
⦁ Educate yourself on local, state and federal codes for dispensing motor fuel. The Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuels Data Center is a good source.
⦁ Make dispensing propane autogas as convenient as going to the local gas station to fill your tank.
⦁ Make the experience as pleasant as possible for the consumer. The consumer will recommend propane autogas to friends and family if it’s easily accessible, the facility is clean and there’s value in the cost of the fuel. If it becomes an ordeal to get autogas, the consumer will also share negative experiences.
⦁ Seek out and get to know your local school districts for information about who to contact concerning the purchase of propane school bus fleets and fuel.
⦁ Research equipment needs for dispensing propane autogas. Your existing dispenser will work but there may be better options available.
⦁ Consider what marketing tactics you’ll use to get the word out about propane autogas.
⦁ Educate your community. Most people outside of the propane industry have no clue about propane autogas or its benefits.
Obie Dixon specializes in supply and risk management for Propane Resources.