Getting involved with renewable propane
Propane retailers and suppliers are already seeing opportunities with renewable propane. Here’s a look at activity from the retail and wholesale levels in recent years.
⦁ Connecticut: The Pride Travel Center in Hartford took delivery of the first gallons of renewable propane in the state. The travel center, which is known for being the first in the U.S. to house multiple alternative energy options, received the gallons during a ribbon-cutting ceremony hosted by Capitol Clean Cities of Connecticut, Hocon Gas, Ray Energy, the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) and the Propane Gas Association of New England.
⦁ Massachusetts: The state welcomed its first delivery of renewable propane with a ceremony at the NGL Supply Wholesale terminal in Springfield.
⦁ New Hampshire: According to PERC, the state’s first delivery of renewable propane went to Cranmore Mountain Resort. White Mountain Oil, NGL Supply and H.O. Bouchard worked together on the project.
⦁ North Carolina: The city of Raleigh moved a portion of its fleet to run on renewable propane. Of its 4,600 vehicles, 85 percent run on some type of alternative energy, city leaders say. Blossman Gas, PERC, the Southeast Propane Alliance and Triangle Clean Cities helped to sponsor the celebration.
⦁ Vermont: NGL Supply Wholesale delivered a transport load of renewable propane to a Bourne’s Energy bulk facility in Morrisville – the first retailer in the state to sell the fuel for space heating purposes. The delivery was important, energy leaders say, as the state looks to develop a “clean heat credit marketplace” after it established a clean heating standard earlier this year.
⦁ California: In 2020, Suburban Propane established an agreement with U-Haul to provide renewable propane, used to power on-road vehicles and forklifts.
⦁ New York: In 2022, the state celebrated its first delivery of renewable propane at Ray Energy’s rail and truck propane terminal in Hampton. The event drew leaders from the New York Propane Gas Association, PERC and the Vermont Fuel Dealers Association.
⦁ Vermont: In 2022, Proctor Gas welcomed the state’s first load of renewable propane, holding an educational event to mark the achievement. The retailer received the load from Ray Energy.
⦁ Virginia: In 2021, the city of Petersburg took delivery of the state’s first load of renewable propane, supplied by Alliance AutoGas.