June 2017: LP Gas PhotoDrop
Check out a photo slideshow of some recent LP gas-related events, including the ADD Systems Business Tech Conference and the Western Propane Trade Show & Convention.
- 1 Photo 1 by Allison Barwacz; photos 2, 3, 4 6 by Brian Richesson; photo 5 courtesy of Bill Young
- 2 Photo 1 by Allison Barwacz; photos 2, 3, 4 6 by Brian Richesson; photo 5 courtesy of Bill Young
- 3 Photo 1 by Allison Barwacz; photos 2, 3, 4 6 by Brian Richesson; photo 5 courtesy of Bill Young
- 4 Photo 1 by Allison Barwacz; photos 2, 3, 4 6 by Brian Richesson; photo 5 courtesy of Bill Young
- 5Photo 1 by Allison Barwacz; photos 2, 3, 4 6 by Brian Richesson; photo 5 courtesy of Bill Young
- 6 Photo 1 by Allison Barwacz; photos 2, 3, 4 6 by Brian Richesson; photo 5 courtesy of Bill Young
1. ADD Systems drew more than 200 attendees from 80 companies to its Business Tech Conference in May in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. The software company holds the event every three years to discuss its product offerings and best practices for product use in the propane industry.
2. This Boehlke Bottled Gas Corp. cylinder truck caught our attention on the trade show floor during the NPGA Southeastern Convention & International Propane Expo in April in Nashville, Tennessee.
3. From left, VFG Leasing & Finance’s Bill Summers and Fred Summers join LP Gas Publisher Brian Kanaba for a round of golf while in Reno, Nevada, for the Western Propane Trade Show & Convention.
4. LP Gas event manager Kyle Castro, left, visits with a Propane Expo attendee at the magazine’s booth in Nashville, Tennessee. Megan Smalley, center, associate editor, and Allison Barwacz, digital media content producer, are also shown.
5. This 1963 photo features 2017 LP Gas Hall of Fame inductee Bill Young working on a test project that Industrial Gases performed with U.S. Steel Co. to deliver hot tar in rail tank cars. The tank cars had liquid feed propane burners to maintain tar at about 300 degrees Fahrenheit while in transit. This was one of various systems that employees tested at Industrial Gases, for whom Young worked.
6. J&C Propane Transport of Fresno, California, is represented on this Kenworth showcased outside the Reno Events Center during the Western Propane Trade Show & Convention in May.
Photo 1 by Allison Barwacz; photos 2, 3, 4 6 by Brian Richesson; photo 5 courtesy of Bill Young