Law enforcement fleets transition to autogas cruisers

February 10, 2012 By    

The Vestavia Hills, Ala., Police Department converted 14 cruisers to propane autogas, enlisting Alliance AutoGas to outfit its Ford Crown Victorias with bi-fuel systems and install an on-site autogas station to give officers easy fueling access. Alliance AutoGas is helping law enforcement fleets nationwide shift to autogas, including:

■ The Jackson County, Ga., Sheriff’s Office outside Atlanta is saving between $110,000 and $145,000 annually after converting 60 squad cars to autogas.

■ The Raleigh, N.C., Police Department has converted 10 patrol cars, yielding an estimated annual savings of at least $30,000 in fuel costs and displacing 30,000 to 36,000 gallons of gasoline.

■ The Iredell County, N.C., Sheriff’s Office has converted 13 cruisers to autogas by combining grant funds with confiscated assets from drug busts.

■ The West Point, Miss., Police Department has converted eight fleet vehicles. It expects the autogas engines to last longer than conventional gasoline engines, with estimated savings of $26,000 annually.

■ The Augusta County, Va., Sheriff’s Office expects to cut fuels costs by $15,000 a year after converting eight cruisers to run on autogas.

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About the Author:

Kevin Yanik was a senior editor at LP Gas Magazine.

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