Navien starts shipping commercial scale prevention system
The PeakFlow C, for commercial applications and larger homes, is the latest model in Navien’s line of ecofriendly scale prevention products. PeakFlow C is a chemical-free and environmentally friendly scale prevention system meant to handle flow rates up to 20 gallons per minute. It can be installed at the main water line to prevent scale for the entire water supply or at the cold water inlet line just before a tankless water heater or combi-boiler DHW system. The technology transforms potential hard-scale buildup to soft scale (aragonite and vaterite) that can easily be washed out with water flow, according to the company. Navien says it has started shipping the PeakFlow C scale prevention system. Also available are the PeakFlow S (standard) and PeakFlow A (advanced) models. With a flow rate up to 6 gallons per minute (gpm), the PeakFlow S is available as a point-of-use residential solution installed at the cold water supply line before the water heater. With a maximum flow rate of 10 gallons per minute, PeakFlow A can be used for residential or light commercial applications.

Photo courtesy of Navien