Navien updates condensing boiler features
The NHB-H condensing boiler by Navien keeps many of the features of the NHB, such as turndown ratios up to 15 to 1; efficiency of 95 percent AFUE; field convertibility from natural gas to liquid propane; four sizing options of 55,000 Btu/h, 80,000 Btu/h, 110,000 Btu/h and 150,000 Btu/h; and the ability to common vent and cascade the NHB-110H and NHB-150H models. Additions to the NHB-H include the Vent Installation Detector (VID) for enhanced safety; a front panel controller with an intuitive multi-line LCD and command dial for quick setup and easy access to data, diagnostics and troubleshooting; built-in controls to run a boiler pump, three-zone pumps or three zone valves; and the availability of a stainless steel primary manifold kit, which simplifies near boiler piping, reducing installation time and materials.