NPGA alerts members about Clean Corridors Act of 2019 issue
The National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) is asking members to fight for a level playing field when it comes to the alternative fuels represented in the Clean Corridors Act of 2019.

NPGA’s 2018 advocacy team discusses the issues for Propane Days attendees ahead of meetings last year on Capitol Hill. The team, from left, is composed of Phil Squair, Mike Caldarera, Sarah Reboli and Michael Baker. NPGA will host Propane Days this year on June 2-5. Squair has since left the association. Photo by Brian Richesson
Electric and hydrogen infrastructure is receiving preferential treatment in the recently introduced legislation, according to NPGA.
“Tell Congress to not play favorites and provide opportunities for all alternative fuels, including propane,” the association says in its NPGA Reports e-newsletter from May 16.
The National Alternative Fuel Corridors program, which was created through the FAST Act in 2015, ordered the Federal Highway Administration to create interstate highway corridors with appropriate signage for alternative fueling stations. The corridors included four alternative fuels: electricity (battery electric vehicles), hydrogen, propane and natural gas.
Sen. Tom Carper, D-Delaware, introduced S. 674, the Clean Corridors Act of 2019, in March. Among other purposes, the bill would create grant funding opportunities for the installation of electric vehicle charging stations and hydrogen fueling infrastructure along the designated alternative fuel corridors. But under S. 674, propane would not be eligible for grant funding opportunities, says NPGA, which believes that all fuels designated under Section 1413 of the FAST Act should qualify.
NPGA is directing members to a webpage, where they can send a message to their respective congressional representatives about making propane and other fuels eligible for the same grant funding opportunities as electric and hydrogen.
NPGA is preparing to host Propane Days, its annual lobbying event, June 2-5 in Washington, D.C. It’s added this issue to the list of topics that industry members will take to congressional leaders on Capitol Hill. The others are alternative fuel tax credits, the DRIVE-Safe Act and carbon labeling.